When I started to realise my stuff I found it overwhelming and disorienting. I felt like the world I knew was shifting and becoming a different place. I still feel like that sometimes. I didn’t see it as my spirit breaking though; not sure I had a spirit in the first place. I was just a numbed out survivor who didn’t feel much. That spirit you mention breaking……how do you see that? I mean, what does it mean to you, your spirit breaking?
when i speak of my/a/your spirit, I believe it conveys the very ESSENCE of a being, (yes, essence, kind of like the tiny, expensive, condensed, aromatherapy oils you can buy at The Body Shop), it’s that which makes you YOU. those attributes/characteristics uniquely associated with you and you alone. spirit enlivens us. i read somewhere that the root word in “spirit” is the same as the root for “inspire.” which means “to breathe in.” when one is inspired to create or do something, they can generally be speaking of being overcome with a feeling or idea in a flash or from out of nowhere. (personally, i believe all inspiration is from God). i believe energy (creative) has been transferred to them in that “flash” of inspiration and the being has an opportunity to (re)-act upon it.
when people speak of ghosts as being “spirits” , i believe they are trying to say they sense the personality of the subject who died, whether it be a sweet one or a malevolent one, in the absence of his body. and when people talk about alcohol and liquor being “spirits,” i believe they are referring to the change in one’s personality when they are under the influence of these mood alterers. i imagine one’s spirit, a spirit, The Spirit, to each be described as the personality of a being. in a metaphysical sense, “spirit” never dies, it, like energy it is just translated from one individual (or realm) to another. spirit transcends the physical death of the being. And sure, you have a spirit, portia, and i enjoy sensing it through your written words.
when i said i thought my spirit was breaking as “i started to realize my stuff” (borrowing your words, here, portia. STUFF really sums up what all this is, doesn’t it

it was like i was “cracking under the pressure” or just plain “going crazy.” at my worse point, i thought i was descending into some type of personality disorder like paranoia, or general anxiety disorder, or even narcissism. i wasn’t at my best in any way. i was a shell of myself. i was not interested in things i used to love. some people are reading and thinking, oh, she was just clinically depressed. and it’s true, as i wasn’t eating or sleeping or functioning well, (for about 7 intense days, this lasted, as i was recalling all of these horrific scenes from my childhood and judging them with my now adult eyes). prior to this, i had locked those memories and bad thoughts deeply away in my head somewhere and had simply “forgotten” them for 10 years. During this time, I prayed a lot. I would pray, journal, and as I wrote, more things would come to my remembrance.
worried about my health, i felt that i would probably “need” to change my personality in some way, in order to protect myself in the future. some part of me was trying to “break” during that time, I was watching ROME on HBO and I remember the commanding officer shouting to the soldier’s “Bend if you must, but do not Break!!!” as the two armies bludgeoned one another with swords.) i reflected on that statement many times, trying to maintain sanity during the “rough period.”
but to the better part of me, “breaking” means succumbing or death. so i guess, during that time, i thought i might suffer the death of my spirit. i just thought of something, i was reading, People of the Lie, I think it was, and Peck likened narcissism to the pervasive acts of intentionally killing “spirit,” (undetected and unchallenged, of course) like serial killers, there is probably some maniacal, devious, component to them that enjoys the “cover-up”, but they get caught because of their conflicting grandiose desire to take the credit for what they were able to get away with for so long. less “physically” murderous Ns, (the ones who could not tolerate prison or being arrested or otherwise corrected by the Law), exact their wrath on what really gives us life, our spirits. and they will attack any vulnerable prey, hence the assault on children, or the talented, or anyone with a positive light shining on them. Ns are keen to who the innocents are and they like to do the most damage when others aren’t suspecting. and they hurt the one’s they should love the most of all.
part of the releasing some of my anger has left me doggedly determined to foil the efforts and attempts of the Ns in my life to kill my spirit, if that was the intention, anyway. Living an abundant life is probably the best way for me to avenge my inner child. (but vengeance is not mine, actually, it’s God’s).
also portia, i’m picking up a BS in Nursing in a fabulous new 18 month program they have here at an awesome in-state institution only 8 blocks from my home. I followed a pre-med curriculum in undergrad (so i just happened to have had the prerequisite courses needed to enter), I should have a challenging but fun time picking up this degree which is needed to address the nursing shortage within my small business. i’m somewhat collecting degrees as i have a W I D E range of interests. the jack of many trades, master of none. don’t need to be a master though. i really love learning new things. it calms, organizes me. i’m at my best when i have a million things to do.
btw, thanks, portia for the book tip and here are some books i’m reading, that have helped in some way, lately. fair warning, it’s eclectic:
Children of the Self-Absorbed by Brown (New Harbinger)
Create Every Day (Compendium) (a journal with quotes about creativity)
Bible Promises for You
The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by Strong (Nelson)
Dream Dictionary by Crisp (Wings Books) (for my vivid, lucid dreams)
The Book of Dream Symbols by Vollmar (Main Street)
Pisces 2006 Super Horoscope (Berkley)
People of the Lie by Peck (Simon and Shuster)
Are you psychic? How to tap int the hidden powers of your mind. (Mini Mags Group)
don’t kiss them good-bye by DuBois (FIreside)
Massage: simple solutions for everyday stresses by Roseberry (The Body Shop)
Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way to Swim better, faster, and easier.” by Laughlin and Delves (Fireside) (for my former water phobia)
The Yoga Book by Sturgess (Watkins)
Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies by Elliot and Smith, (Wiley)
Dr. Andrew Weil’s 2005 self-healing: creating optimum health for your body and soul.
my next reads are: (anyone read these? have they been helpful?)
blink: the power of thinking without thinking by Gladwell (little, brown)
The Art of War by Sun Tzu and Cleary (Shambhala)
take care,