Hiya back P:
I bet i don't need to say a darn word do I?.....
Truth? I had a feeling you would comment on that but I left it in because it's an honest thought.

But honestly....I was being honest. What I mean is......there is a point at which we can and do, sometimes, decide our reality. But that moment....when I felt that hurt and pain that was mine......could have.....would have maybe....been different for me....had I thought differently or thought first and not just felt.
Who the heck is capable of doing that all the time? I sure don't know anyone. My point is simply that in a way, I find it true that I can effect my reactions to stuff......when I think first. And like you said, Portia,
I think some people are too crazy to restrain themselves?
If someone says “I hate you” to me, am I in pain? Nope. I think they’re nuts. Sad but not my problem. Haha no I’m not that cold and cruel, I’m trying to make a point. You said the words cause pain. It depends doesn’t it?
Most of the time, I was able to think first and so the hurt, angry, confused feelings just didn't happen for me. I really did think they were both fairly "crazy" a lot of the time and I took pity on them both, more often than their words or actions to heart (my heart). Lucky me or I'd be a walking bomb, maybe eh?
But that time with my mother saying words that seemed to penetrate so deep, with such lightening speed, before my poor, over-taxed brain had a chance to boot up........well....thankyou Portia. Her words did hurt a lot and I appreciate you're acknowledging that and pointing out the importance of my really feeling it.
I hope thinking about the reasons for someone else's actions might help us see our feelings and help us .... diminish the hurt we felt at the time
Me too. And seeing my mother deteriorate into a shell full of fear and watching my father's actions.....which caused........it all.....does help diminish it. So does your big hug. Thankyou P.
That kind of hurt and pain as it felt with your mother - maybe you haven't but you know how trauma is repeated by being triggered by similar situations; the brain reacts as if it is back there etc.
Definately this has happened. Probably anyone who ever says: "I hate you" (other than my kids) to me, will be dealing with me........dealing with my mother!! Or might have......had you not reminded me to keep this in mind. Thanks Portia.
Ofcourse......my brain doesn't always cooperate and it goes blank too, sometimes. Like in the office with that T. All I did at that moment.....was feel......embarassed, insulted, belittled, whatever. If my good brain had of taken over, I might have considered other possible motives for his behaviour and I might have asked him.
"What do you mean, doc?"
I agree.....he was a jerk......but in some situations.......it might be my reacting to my feeling, instead of thinking..... that is actually the culprit. I might be misinterpreting or misunderstanding or misperceiving or judging incorrectly. That could happen!!

(I hope you giggled......because I really am trying to be funny.

It happens. It happens).
Maybe I can do that with my example; but I can't see the reasons clearly for his behaviour. Maybe I'll work on that - and her behaviour too.
It's not always an easy thing to see or even try to do. In a way, my situation was much easier to examine. The nutty behaviour was easy to define as nutty. Nobody else's parents acted like mine. They were abnormal, especially my father, but by my teenhood, my mother was seriously that way too. For you, maybe it wasn't so obvious? More confusing? Things were more subtle?
I just don't know what i was being punished for!!!!!
((((((((Portia))))))). Nothing. Zilch. Notta.
You were a child and and he was, like the doc, like my dad, in a position of power. You didn't have to do anything wrong for him to assert his power. He couldn't stand your expressing your feeling.
You were angry about something so you threw a pencil on the floor. Instead of him saying:
"Are you angry P? What's up?"
He asserts his power. He orders you to obey. He ignors your feeling and he uses his power to direct your next act..........to control........or else!!

It's the unspoken "or else" that puts the biggest fear in a kid eh? We just don't know what might happen next?
Did you ever defy him? Did you ever say: "I hate you" to him? I can see why that might be very tempting and almost necessary (ok......I did say I'm willing to change my mind....didn't I?). Yes. I think it would have been ok........understandable.......reasonable......to say that to him. From your point of view (or my trying to feel from your point of view

From his end: Was he used to children? Did he like them? Was he generally a patient person or was he a kind of......ruler over your mother too?
I bet he just wanted you out of the picture? Wanted your mother all to himself? Wanted you to just be a little flower, if he had to put up with you, and maybe wanted you to just stand around looking sweet and pretty and to be very....quiet?
How can I say that? I don't know the guy. I'm just guessing, I guess. I could be waaaaaaaay off.
sorry (((((((Portia))))))). I feel your deep pain over that incident too. I'll be away now until mid next week but I hope you too will "feel those feelings" and "work through them" and talk so more about them here, if it helps.
This thread has helped me a lot. I'm very grateful for everyone's point of view. Otherwise, I'd be stuck feeling just.......angry with a stupid T who really......can just go away from my head now......and live elsewhere! And the pain from what my mother said......it's really not there any more. I can recall it.....if I try but honestly......I cried and cried, after she said that, and wrote and wrote, and played and played and then......for the most part....just kept it as a reminder of .....for me........how not to behave. No one has said: "I hate you" to me since and if they ever do, hopefully I'll remember this thread and remind myself to be sure I'm not ....talking to my mother or something.

And hopefully....also maybe I'll think to say: "Those are very hurtful words. You have a right to express your anger but also a responsibility to do so......in a reasonable manner....without using words as weapons. Wanna try again? Tell me what you feel?" (or some equally firm but strong......expression of my opinion

... a real voicing!!).
effort and elegance of this
I swear! Where do you come up with such wonderful terms? It doesn't feel elegant at all to me. It feels like more like mucking around in a puddle but thanks for saying that. You make it sound so lovely. Hey! Glad you're reading and sorry you don't have the energy. ((((((hope you're ok Hops))))))