Hi Write,
Your post was beautiful, eloquent, and I can certainly understand why you had this passionate response. I can imagine that the "demonology" stuff is like scraping razors over the sanity and balance you've acquired.
Defending people's interest in posting about their spiritual beliefs is a core principle of mine. But that in no way means I "love" or agree with those assumptions. IOW, the "I have seen The Truth, I know What Reality Is, I will now Name It For You, and I will write with Absolutely No Room for Doubt or Questions."
For me, my challenge is to love and tolerate the speaker even if I dislike (as I do, in that case) a specific message. It would be a different matter if it were 3-D or if such a person was forcefully arguing in my face that I had to agree with them, or persistently repeating to me, in person, that their view of reality or experience was the only real one. In that case, I'd likely feel disrespected, or simply recognize that this person's beliefs made it essentially impossible for them to view me as their moral and human equal unless I capitulated to their definitions and dominance. In that case, I'd likely not seek out time with them, or simply withdraw.
I guess on a message board, we all have different thresholds of discomfort. I think posting what you did is a wonderful way to deal with it. Compassionate and passionate and not minimizing the intensity of your dislike for the topic, nor how it causes you, personally, pain to read. That may raise awareness in someone else, about how absolute beliefs or that sort of religiosity can be destructive to others. Or it may not. But it's tremendously valuable for you to express it. Thank you.
The way you described your perception of mental anguish and how those primitive (my opinion--no offense) labels for it are hurtful...or at least triggering...or repellent... I completely get it.
I am also sensitive to something Brigid said about the absolutist language of fundamentalism and its effect in the world. I believe that this is a worthy micro-example. Perhaps because of that, I am more determined than ever to try to stay in dialogue. But no one HAS to engage with a speaker or a topic, particularly if it's harmful or causing great distress.
Absolutist beliefs and statements that exclude the possibility that other convictions, such as yours, or mine, have equal value...are loud. Just in their meaning...they can drown out other human beings. ANY "This is THE Truth and the Only Truth There Is and it's Because I Say So--or even, Because This Book Says So" claim can do the same, in my view. The closed mind is painful to bounce against. And does drive people away. It takes a lot of strength to shield oneself from the hurt of implied rejection, dominance, and superiority of belief. (Saved-Unsaved, Believes-in-Demons/Rejects the Notion).
For that reason, such absolutes--other than love is IT--are not part of my own spiritual life.
Still, I'd far rather people were verbally and openly expressing those things, with me loving the speaker and holding my heart open to their humanness (no matter what their minds are directing them to pronounce)... than not talking about it.
I think it's when we retreat from each other, declaring the other to be "void" of worth because their belief statements repel us...that we get in trouble.
I think there's almost always common ground, sometimes between the lines, or just in our ordinary humanness. It's what I hope for, anyway.
My daughter's friend's father was just murdered in Iraq. He may have been a misguided peacemaker, but knowing what an extraordinarily gentle person he was, and how convicted of his beliefs...made the tragedy that his loving nature did not stop his killers' decision...even harder to take.
I don't know what the answers are. In person, I do feel that absolutists are a threat. Since here, there is no way to do physical harm, I just want to practice listening, without yielding my own sense or ability to think and be confident in my thoughts. Tolerance and goodwill have to start somewhere....
It's a discouraging, disquieting area for me, too.
I truly don't know what the answers are.