Author Topic: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun  (Read 72195 times)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #75 on: November 01, 2006, 09:55:29 PM »
Hey All,

I finally have another Iris the fetch kitty story but this time it's not about bring tossed straws back to me. 8)

Moonlet (my D) dressed up as a cute little bunny and Moonlet's friend dressed up as a kitty for Halloween. :D
Moonlet's friend has silky black hair and her costume cat ears looked so real with fake furry ears.

When our Iris kitty came into the room where the girls were our Iris kitty arched her back and kept looking at Moonlet's girlfriend's
fake cat ears and kept arching her back until Moonlet's friend took off the fake cat ears.We all started to laugh. :lol:
Then Iris scampered away to her favorite pillow spot to curl up.

I am sure Iris kitty was glad when Mr moon took Moonlet's friend home.

Our poor sweet little Iris kitty got tricked on Halloween  :shock:


Hee-hee!!!  Now THAT'S what I call Trick or Treat!!!!   :lol:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2006, 10:02:48 PM »
Sorry about the pic being so enormous...I haven't learned how to size things.
If you even can reduce the size of pics you didn't take yourself?

I'm a Luddite.

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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #77 on: November 01, 2006, 10:49:02 PM »
Here's motorcat, a former celebrity in the DC metro area.

[Bones: try leaving the page open for awhile. I found that Henry showed up after about three minutes.]
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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #78 on: November 02, 2006, 06:52:18 PM »
Here's motorcat, a former celebrity in the DC metro area.

[Bones: try leaving the page open for awhile. I found that Henry showed up after about three minutes.]

Thanks, Stormy!

Looks like Motor Cat can differentiate between the colors of Red and Green!

I'll try to access Henry's picture again and see if it opens or if I get the "unable to access" computer message again.   I don't know if there is a difference between posting the picture in the body of the message and subscript or what the "glitch" might be.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #79 on: November 03, 2006, 06:04:10 PM »
This silly dog incident happened a few months ago!  It still cracks me up thinking about it!   :lol:

My next door neighbor has a dog of indeterminant breed.  My neighbor asked to see me to discuss some concerns regarding our housing development.  While we were talking, "Cleo" kept bouncing around and acting REALLY G-O-O-F-Y!!!  I mean, W-A-A-A-Y GOOFIER than usual!!!   :shock:  She would deliberately run, head first, into the furniture, look to see if we were watching, then do it again!!!  (It appeared as if she was feeling NO pain!)  She also had this silly grin on her face while she was doing this!!!  Finally, I noticed that she had something in her mouth while she was acting goofy.  My neighbor managed to get it away from her so we could look at it.  Turns out, this silly dog had gotten a hold of the cat's CATNIP TOY and had chewed it to smithereens!!!!  That goofy dog was HIGH ON CATNIP!!!!   :lol: :lol: :lol:  I could NOT stop laughing!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #80 on: November 03, 2006, 08:14:30 PM »
OH Bones

"The goofy  dog was high on Catnip" I love love love it that is so funny......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My Iris kitty is right here next to me curled up in a box that is just a little too small for her but she likes it that way.
And the other day we got a ups box delivered and it is long not very high and my sweettie Iris kitty crawled in there
and curled up in the end of the box like it was a hide out.

My little fuzzy kat is adorable.

So much love to you Bones  :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #81 on: November 04, 2006, 04:56:13 PM »
OH Bones

"The goofy  dog was high on Catnip" I love love love it that is so funny......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My Iris kitty is right here next to me curled up in a box that is just a little too small for her but she likes it that way.
And the other day we got a ups box delivered and it is long not very high and my sweettie Iris kitty crawled in there
and curled up in the end of the box like it was a hide out.

My little fuzzy kat is adorable.

So much love to you Bones  :D


Thanks, Moon!

Dogs and cats are so CUTE and FUNNY!  I love animals!!!  One cat I knew from several years ago would always make a particular sound as soon as she saw me.  She never made that sound with anyone else.  It was as if she was saying:  "Hi, Bones!"  I miss her!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2006, 05:15:43 PM »
Hello Bones ,

I had a cat we got when my 28 year old d was 5 years old and she lived for 22 years .This was our Katie Kat.Oh I miss her so much...
When we first got her well when she was a year old she ran out into the street and a car hit her.
Her pelvis was hurt and her leg was broken in three spots AND I took her to the doctor right away .

My oldest d was in the car holding her.We got her to the vet and the doctor saved her and every day my h and d and I would go see
her and soon we took her home and she recovered completely and lived so long .

I miss her really bad and have lots of photo's of her.
She seemed to know our moods and was so smart and loving. :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2006, 05:20:37 PM »
hey Bones,
You are a doggone  :P  good participant on the Animal Stories thread (yeah...I'm gonna rename it, so it's not limited to animals one "owns"--or who own one...)

Do you have a pet of your own?
If not, is there one you can get to know, or borrow?

Once when I lived in a tiny house on the Eastern Shore I used to go have "dates" with Riley, a Chesapeake Bay retriever. I'd spend the night at my artist friend's tenant house on a huge plantation, near which lived another artist, owner of Riley (hey, I liked my friend but I was IN LOVE WITH Riley). Very early in the a.m. I'd take my coffee out on the porch and watch the mist over the field and all the amazing waterfowl (things like great blue herons, cranes, egrets) appear...and within a few minutes I'd hear the other artist's screen door bang and out would come Riley, heading straight for me. He's come to take me for a walk. Friendliest dog I almost ever knew... Those were great walks.

A while later I dumped him and got my own amazing pound-rescue pooch, Big, a yellow Lab. Riley had an amazing capacity to find substitutes...didn't mind a bit.  :)

« Last Edit: November 05, 2006, 12:43:20 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2006, 07:09:54 PM »
Hello Bones ,

I had a cat we got when my 28 year old d was 5 years old and she lived for 22 years .This was our Katie Kat.Oh I miss her so much...
When we first got her well when she was a year old she ran out into the street and a car hit her.
Her pelvis was hurt and her leg was broken in three spots AND I took her to the doctor right away .

My oldest d was in the car holding her.We got her to the vet and the doctor saved her and every day my h and d and I would go see
her and soon we took her home and she recovered completely and lived so long .

I miss her really bad and have lots of photo's of her.
She seemed to know our moods and was so smart and loving. :D


To me, there is no such thing as a dumb animal.  They are unconditional love!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Pet Stories, just for fun
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2006, 07:24:08 PM »
hey Bones,
You are a doggone  :P  good participant on the Animal Stories thread (yeah...I'm gonna rename it, so it's not limited to animals one "owns"--or who own one...)

Do you have a pet of your own?
If not, is there one you can get to know, or borrow?

Once when I lived in a tiny house on the Eastern Shore I used to go have "dates" with Riley, a Chesapeake Bay retriever. I'd spend the night at my artist friend's tenant house on a huge plantation, near which lived another artist, owner of Riley (hey, I liked my friend but I was IN LOVE WITH Riley). Very early in the a.m. I'd take my coffee out on the porch and watch the mist over the field and all the amazing waterfowl (things like great blue herons, cranes, egrets) appear...and within a few minutes I'd hear the other artist's screen door bang and out would come Riley, heading straight for me. He's come to take me for a walk. Friendliest dog I almost ever knew... Those were great walks.

A while later I dumped him and got my own amazing pound-rescue pooch, Big, a yellow Lab. Riley had an amazing capacity to find substitutes...didn't mind a bit.  :)


That sounds like the Eastern Shore of Maryland, which is a BEAUTIFUL area!

Riley reminds me of the pets that used to live next door to me when I was a kid.  The next door neighbors first had a dog named "Snowflake".  Everytime my Dad went to sit on our front porch, Snowflake would make a beeline for him, sit with him, and my Dad would feed him watermelon.  The dog's owner didn't like the idea that HIS dog liked to be with my Dad more than be at home with him!  Years later, the same neighbor got a Siamese cat named Sam.  Guess what?  Everytime I sat on our front porch, Sam would make a beeline for me and sit with me for hours!!  The neighbor could not figure out why both his dog and his cat preferred my Dad and me to him!  The only reason my Dad and I didn't have pets was because Nmom refused to allow it.  (Ironic that during the 70's, Nicky adopted her after I brought him home!)

Now I have my boyfriend's birds here.  At one time, we had several more pets, including hamsters, gerbils and a rabbit, which got to be TOO MUCH!!!  I've managed to convince him to whittle the number down to three.  Once these birds reach the end of their lifespans, then we can talk about getting another hamster...especially the long-haired Teddy Bear hamster!!!  I babied the last Teddy Bear hamster we had and he lived to the ripe old age of nearly 4 years.  (The normal lifespan of a hamster averages two years.)  Since I live in a relatively small space, I think hamsters would be the most logical pets to have...especially if they are tame enough to be petted and pampered.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #86 on: November 07, 2006, 01:39:33 AM »
I recently made a new doggie friend recently!  I was studying at a classmate's house and her Basset Hound kept begging for a cuddle, so I obliged.  Now she has a friend for life!!!  When it was time for me to go home, she had the saddest, most woe-begone expression on her face!!!  I thought she was going to cry!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2006, 10:11:57 PM »
I LOVE Bassett Hounds!!!!! The are so sweet and adorable.

Here's my pet story... Henry (my bulldog) has been really bad lately... trying to one-up me by sitting on the furniture and going to the bathroom in the house (trust me he KNOWS BETTER). He is extrememly smart.

So, on the advice of various dog trainers, and the dog whisperer, I decided it was time to go back to "caging" him at night. I put his bed in our small downstairs bathroom and put him in and close the door and turn off the light and he sleeps there. It has made a huge change in his attitude and he is behaving so much better. He does whine for about 15 minutes before he settles in.

So alst night I put him in the bathroom (a struggle) and he didn't even howl. I heard a bit of scuffling around and that was it and I figured he had happily resigned to his new bedroom. So this morning I go downstairs and he is sleeping IN THE KITCHEN. How did he open the door???? We will see what happens tonight. I should have bought the goldfish that I was supposed to get when I came upon him...

Love, Beth
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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2006, 11:45:08 PM »
Awww....I love Henry.
Maybe he's a little lonesome, wants a goldfish?
More important...did he flush?


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #89 on: November 08, 2006, 04:17:18 PM »
I LOVE Bassett Hounds!!!!! The are so sweet and adorable.

Here's my pet story... Henry (my bulldog) has been really bad lately... trying to one-up me by sitting on the furniture and going to the bathroom in the house (trust me he KNOWS BETTER). He is extrememly smart.

So, on the advice of various dog trainers, and the dog whisperer, I decided it was time to go back to "caging" him at night. I put his bed in our small downstairs bathroom and put him in and close the door and turn off the light and he sleeps there. It has made a huge change in his attitude and he is behaving so much better. He does whine for about 15 minutes before he settles in.

So alst night I put him in the bathroom (a struggle) and he didn't even howl. I heard a bit of scuffling around and that was it and I figured he had happily resigned to his new bedroom. So this morning I go downstairs and he is sleeping IN THE KITCHEN. How did he open the door???? We will see what happens tonight. I should have bought the goldfish that I was supposed to get when I came upon him...

Love, Beth

Dogs are SMART!!!!  What endeared me to "Lulu" was during my study time with my classmate.  "Lulu" kept trying to snuggle her head under my arm while I was discussing the school project.  When I didn't respond right away, she got behind my chair and "goosed" me with her cold nose!!!!!   :lol:  When I turned around to look at her, she gave me a cuddle and a puppy kiss!  I had to laugh at that!!!   :lol:
