And in some cultures......basic respect is still completely absent. Those women are still And their daughters are sold to pay off the debt from the lower opium crop this year, last year, constant debt. Sold to whom, for what? Sold at ages when they are children, and so on. But of course young boys are also stolen to be made into brutal killers.
On the other hand, information and knowledge is now travelling around the globe faster and with less control (was Google right to offer a censored search to China? I guess it’s better than just saying ‘no’). Charities are amongst those daughters and sons, trying their best. There is hope! Mind you, we talk about being abusive to each other, what about our attitude to our only home? Big problems to sort out! I hope we do sort them out.
Glad I dug this one up from the archives!I’m really glad too, for several reasons. You helped me. Thank you.
You’ve really got me thinking (thank you). I’m posting but have lots more to say, coming up soon. Wanted to break this one up because it’s so long.
she didn't stay with men who cheated on her, but she did stay with my father, who abused her physically for years, and was still intimate with him even after he molested me. She stayed with him because….he didn’t “cheat” on her? Other than by predating sexually on his daughter. So that was okay then. Pass me a sick bag.
She likes to say she doesn't understand women today because she'd leave a man in a heartbeat that didn't respect herSooo she believes that being beaten up and living with incest and child abuse is respect. Perhaps because the dirty washing stays inside the home? Perhaps the worst thing for your mom is being humiliated and shamed by the outside world. Okay I’m getting it.
Is that why you've never been married?just to chat! I’ve never been married either. Didn’t see the point. It’s a legal contract and I haven’t seen a need for any legal contract with a man. If I did I think I'd go the legal route and have some document drawn up. Marriage is primarily about legal stuff, not love or respect. Apart from all the social conventions, social cohesion through the ‘family’ and so on. Love and respect happen between people, not because of some socially and legally sanctioned event. Shut up P. okay.
I thought I was the only one that thought this way. I always think about that!!!! Like my tenant upstairs and her infintile behavior, I think to myself, "My God, how can the children learn to deal with conflict in a mature way if their mother is a big baby?"I think you think this way because (1) you naturally identify and empathise with children and (2) you’re a deeply good-hearted and thoughtful person and maybe there’s a (3) in perhaps it shows some hope for the future, belief in children, wanting to see beyond the immediate. ? what do you think?
but I am yet and still amazed that woman will rip each other to shreds over a man. Yeah…..I now wonder which man they’re fighting over? I’ll never see this situation in the same light again! Women all competing for Daddy’s attention or women beating their sisters or mothers up? Wouldn’t it be odd if we could see all the people (in their heads), all the parents etc involved in the fighting? Mass riot!
she wouldn't even accept that he had lied to me about being married,you didn’t even know he was married! Do you know how that exonerates you completely? (I knew mine was married! Tsk tsk what the heck was I up to? Well he did remind me devastatingly of my father. True. And weird.)
I thought the news that he had said she was dead would devastate herIt would have if she could have allowed herself to believe you. But we believe what we want to believe, or I guess, what we can bear to believe at any given time. I guess she couldn’t cope with that. Denial is a good preservation mechanism. After all she sees this guy as her Dad and her Dad can’t want her dead. Serious stuff.
If we were to work out, and things went well with us, would you consider moving in here with me (into his home ) and the children? I always think he had some heinous plans to get rid of her.Did you meet his kids? Was any of what he said ever possible of happening? Or was he just talking hot-air? Maybe it was pure BS and if you’d have said yes, when, etc he would have run like hell?
she couldn't believe my lack of integrityShe saw you as wholly bad. She was unhinged! Nuts!