Hiya Sela
It takes so much more courage to apologise than delete a post.I wasn’t going to delete…..and if I was….I couldn’t I don’t think? Having not logged in? I didn’t log-in to ask that *pant pant* highly-triggered board-vigilant red-flag question!


Noooo, I was too quick off the mark. Reacting instead of pondering. And also actually curious too. I had to make a cup of coffee (the 40 minute cup of coffee) before it occurred to me:

dates, check the date. Hahahaha yes I laughed. *sigh* *roll over* *tickle tummy please*

What caused you to think of deleting posts?
It's great to choose to laugh at yourself, rather than pick one of so many other choices available.I do laugh at myself, all the time, faster than before. And I’m not going to take responsibility for things that aren’t mine.
Way to go Portia! Seriously adult stuff happening there.You know me so well. You know all the crap attached to two little posts.
Thank you ((((((Sela))))))
Hiya Write
I'm getting to the point I don't want to belong to almost anything...Me too!

But wait……..I’ve nearly always been like that.
Does not wanting to belong signify a strengthening of our own beliefs and values?
I agree in as much as I see many groups as (potentially and actually) abusive.
I prefer individuals to groups. I like talking and listening to individuals. I don’t like groups or group-think (contradiction in terms?). There’s a good quote about groups…about the group thinking being at the lowest intelligence level versus the intelligence (or is it *conscience*?) of the individual…???? Can’t remember it right now.