Hello Jacmac. I read your post last night with a bit of shock. It was you talking, but so open and so ego-less: eyes open but mind far away awash with memories. I too don’t really know what to say. Reclaiming the past?
My other half would say don’t do it! You’ll only make yourself more unhappy! I disagree whole-heartedly, at least for me. I have to know The Truth, or failing that, the FACTS, as they might be seen by an outside party. But of course they’re hidden beneath the years. Do you really want to remember more? What you
do remember sounds terrible, frightening.
I want to know more - I think it would explain my actions. I remember a situation where I thought I could handle something and seconds later I could hear screaming – me – but it took me those very strange other-worldly few moments to recognise that it was me doing the yelling. I can’t explain that today – it wasn’t what was happening to me then; it was something from the past telling me to cut off. I don’t know. Something niggles away, and my dreams tell me very strange things. Does the brain regulate itself? PP your comments were interesting, a moral in the story: find out for yourself but don’t expect anyone to agree.
I thought vaguely (a year or so ago) about hypnotism-regression, does that really work? Do people practice it now? If only I could find that little girl and hear her voice, what would she say? I have no idea. My memories start around age 5 but there aren’t many until around age 10/11.
Is that usual? Anyone got any info/reading on this?But your future Jacmac, children, your children, from you and with you. I have none and will have none and I just know that therapy is going to make me howl about that. But so be it. I’ve kept myself self-contained. I honestly believed in “don’t have children – they make you vulnerable; other people can hurt you through your children, so don’t have any and you can just protect yourself”. Oh dear. I still think that.
Can children lead you in to the future? I’m asking you and everyone else. Is that why people have children, if they make that choice? To perpetuate, to give, to receive?
Sexuality: I found some helpful (to me) reading here under ‘Sexual Behaviour’:
http://www.traumasurvival.org/It’s a site set up by one man in the UK (so I believe) and the scary logo is African art called ‘The Mute’ . I’ve joined their board but have not posted yet. The ‘look and feel’ of the board really puts me off. The information however seems good, if direct and shocking. Please take a look.
Take care of yourself, best wishes P
PS Muji, do you have that TV programme, ‘The Life Laundry’? Where a professional coach comes and gets you to throw out all your old memories, bad habits? It’s brutal. I look at objects now and see an emotional reason why I bought them: because they reminded me of a good time and I tried to recreate it with objects. Stupid huh? I feel like a puppet being pulled by the strings from my past without knowing it!