Thanks Ami/Is/lighter/CH.
I am trying to stay focussed on what is 'progress' and drop all the other baggage!
Son was dreadful behaviour again tonight.
I got in and ex said a few minutes later he was going to bed.
I am not talking to him about it for now, I think he is somewhat enjoying the fact son is making life diffciult for me, thinks it serves me right some way.
He also looks depressed so maybe NPD not beign a major factor might switch.
But who cares?
There really isn't anything he hasn't done or I haven't coped with in some way.
Maybe it's time I toughened up.
Church guy was at the concert, arrived late, didn't come sit with me and was unfriendly. It was him who invited me so that's a bit weird, and we talked earlier.
That's three times now, so that's me done.
Well a couple of friends called just, son is apologetic if unrepentent downstairs, I'm going to walk the dog and swim, then go back to my apartment and drink hot tea and watch some comedy.
I discovered TV recently, the comedy channel, so I watch an hour of Seinfeld or Everybody Loves Raymond or Friends, it's a new 'comfort habit'.
Goodnight everyone, hope all are well.