Narcissists can become so successfully ABSORBED in something or someone, that they can block out all other things entirely and go into a "trancelike" state. This feels similar to when someone undergoes surgery without anesthesia.
Beware: When a Narcissist says "go ahead and tell me what you think of me. I don't care. It won't even affect me..." they MEAN THAT. they can LITERALLY block off ALL feelings of concern, interest, care, love, whatever. I know. I have seen this in person. They get a glazed look in their eyes and turn their eyes to the side or wherever and they just sort of stop "being there" with you. It feels so weird, like you no longer exist to them.
This is the deepest form of repression, which is their way of blocking out the things that truly motivate them. As if they are "flashing back," the feelings they have stuffed down and blocked out, will RESURFACE EVENTUALLY IN SOME FORM. This resurfacing is a narcissists biggest fear! They will keep doing all they know how, to shovel, bury, hide their feelings and who they "are" underneath all the hype, but those things WILL NOT STAY BURIED NO MATTER WHAT.
From a very early age, narcissists have trained themselves in their brains, to FILTER OUT everything EXCEPT what they want to see, hear and know. This way, they can keep "wearing" their "false self" effectively.
When the narcissist's supply source decides to leave or confront the narcissist, the narcissist feels like they too, do not exist anymore. (you CAN'T leave me, cause then WHO AM I? I DO NOT EXIST WITHOUT YOU TO REFLECT BACK TO ME WHAT I AM TO YOU") This is why a narcissist CANNOT be without one other supply person. They HAVE to have a mirror to watch their "act" in.
Because deep inside, the narcissist FEARS in TERROR, their real self coming to the surface, they constantly have to make their victims PROVE THEMSELVES as being faithful, by testing their attachment to them REPEATEDLY in many cruel ways:
- "hmm, if I mock her, will she put up with it and let me continue or will she leave and make me have to punish her?"
- "if I tell her what to wear, is she gonna comply or rebel and do her own thing? I can't have THAT...she MUST do only what I tell her, for HER OWN GOOD!"