Thank you. My primary degree is in Psychology. I have always been interested in the concept of reconciliation maybe because I saw it happening in other places but had little experience of it myself. I have always been facinated with groups who were at war finding ways of making peace and this has prompted my forthcoming study. About work, well there appears to be two routes, working in post conflict situations or taking the academic route, not sure what the programme will bring but one thing I do know is that when I am pro active about something it always sparks something else off. I would hope to have opportunities to travel with the work, to far flung places. At the moment I am just focused on the work of organising my move, selling my car, renting an apartment in my new city. I have been so pleased with friends and family response to my move. People are so pleased for me. Seems like they had more faith in me than I did.
I have always been blessed with amazing energy, except when with XN, that experience sucked the life out of me. I am so looking forward to being busy and focused. I love the challenge of having to work hard and produce the goods. The university I will be attending is very prestegious which is a bit of a feather in my cap. I have such good feelings about this move.
I have always found great support from you CB and I am so grateful for that. I know if I had not had voiceless it would have taken me so much longer to get through the terrible pain of the hurt and abuse. I came on here lurking in March 2006 not wanting to face the reality of what I was experiencing. I was desperate to slip back into denial but the words I read here would not allow that. I have no doubt you and my other friends here saved me.
Heartfelt thanks