Wanted to let you know that I did the Enneagram test, finally.
Got 5 "points" on the #5 (Thinker) and 4 points on the #2 (Helper)... and felt like this fits me, who I am now.
I left many questions unanswered... didn't count how many - maybe 6-7?
Will take it again soon, because the rest of the puzzle is in those unanswered questions and I feel the need to note them.
They presented themselves to me as options, choices... and I felt that I could choose to go either way... but those are the points in particular where I am currently in flux, you know?
It's strange... not so much that - okay, this is where I was and this is where I want to be (on those unanswered ones).
More like - I am literally in betwixt... actively headed in this other direction, but not quite there yet.
It wasn't so much unsettling as... confirming. I'm in transit.
While there, I read about type #4 and thought - yes, that's the Pennyplant I've been reading.
And I wondered... do you feel as though you're in transit, too?
In all of the other types, I scored negative or zero. And I wondered how that may change when I "arrive"

What a concept... maybe I'll arrive by 50.
No, really, I don't think it's about arriving so much as unearthing, unveiling, cleansing... washing away the rubble.
It's loose, scattered around, still capable of causing unpleasant trips and stumbles... but not weighing so heavily.
Do you feel that way, too?
Soon, I want to do the Meyers Briggs test again and take a fresh look at that... on another thread, though.
Thanks for your time and all you've shared on this thread, Penny... it's been such a pleasure! I'll leave it now to complete its course in whatever direction y'all choose to ride it. I'm looking forward to meeting and sharing with you elsewhere on the board, as you like.
Beth, I hope you don't feel bad, upset, imposed upon, or in any way neglected by my participation here.
You initiated quite a flow on this thread and I'm so thankful for that... and so thankful for you!
I hope that your home is feeling like your own now... and that the visit you've had has wrapped up in some semblance of understanding and... peace.
With love,