I was reading one of the letters in "Dear Abby" this morning where a person was venting about canceling a party because only three people sent her an RSVP. It triggered another memory of where the N-Relatives attempted to force me to act as the "family slave".
I had been invited to attend the wedding anniversary party for my adopted sister. When I called her to RSVP my attendance, she responded with: "Oh, good! Now you can drive here and pick up this person and drive there and pick up that person, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum! She didn't even bother to ASK if I could or was willing to criss-cross the ENTIRE COUNTY to pick up people who were ABSOLUTE TOTAL STRANGERS TO ME AND PAY FOR ALL OF THE GAS OUT OF MY POCKET WITHOUT BEING REIMBURSED FOR THIS EXPENSE!!!!!!

When I pointed out that I could not do that, her response was: "Well, consider yourself DIS-INVITED, you @#$%!"
And these @#$%& can't understand why I don't want to "socialize" with them???????????????