Indeed, I do have a voice. And I use it more often, Bones.
But I don't think there's any magic, instant karma or ultimate justice to be gained by telling my story this way, for me. It's just another re-hash of the same old shit sandwich, and I'd rather have a crab cake! I have spent far too long feeling bad about what wasn't my fault, in the first place, to do it one more time... in hopes someone publishes and buys the book. That kind of "acceptance" isn't even attractive to me; it isn't what I need emotionally.
And sometimes, there are good reasons for "secrets". Sure, there's still a worry lingering that if I publish moi's memoirs... either bro or mom will completely lose it and meltdown and have to be locked up for their own (or my) safety. I'd be tempted to blame myself for this - no matter how unfair that really is.
No; this time - the secret protects ME. They don't know that I "know" what really happened to me. It doesn't matter if they want to maintain belief in their delusional lies or not; my mother's already given away enough clues to confirm truth, for me anyway. She's beginning to slip into dementia, I think - slowly; gradually - but still going. There isn't even a good revenge motive in this, that I can find and I'm not too proud to say that revenge has it's temptatations... unfortunately, I think the effort of telling my story officially, would only hurt myself - again. So there just isn't any point.
The purpose of the secret is to maintain my boundaries - for good reason; to give myself the space and time to actually LIVE a life that's free of the old crap and enjoy myself... for however long I have left in this life, to do so. The only reason I MIGHT write the story again from today's perspectives - and put myself through the agony of it again - would be for my daughters; to explain me to them... and give them the clues to explain themselves to themselves.