In the midst of trying to plan for my birthday, it appears that someone I've known for over two decades is starting to hit on me. My "radar" is picking up on that he's interested in me sexually. That might have worked when I was still in my 20's during the 1970's but NOT NOW! I've gotten to the point where I find the local men ANNOYING while they behave like overgrown children. (These guys are ranging in age from mid-50's to 60's.) I've already stated, in more ways than one, I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING! Yes, this dude makes me laugh with his comedy routines when we are all together as a group but I don't see any viable relationship with him. Here's why: (a) I am a recovering alcoholic and recovering drug addict. He LOVES his beer; (b) I have chronic medical issues and often need to have someone provide me transportation when I need to get somewhere. He has never had a driver's license because he has used the public transportation system all of his life. Where he grew up had no space to park cars so he's never depended on a car; (c) I have had a history of medical emergencies so I need to be able to contact SOMEONE whenever these emergencies occur. He REFUSES to get a cell-phone which would leave me no way to know WHERE to reach him during a medical crisis. The current Mr. Idiot is doing the same thing, which does NOT help!
In a sense, both Mr. Idiot and this other guy who is hitting on me have similar characteristics which makes me want to knock their skulls together! They both think they're being cute! I find it annoying! (During a recent dinner with my group of friends, my cell-phone started ringing. It was one of my condo neighbors calling about a nasty situation in the building and wanted to discuss it with me given that I'm the building captain. Because of the noise level in the restaurant, I was having a hard time hearing my neighbor clearly. Mr. Comedian suggested I take my cell phone INTO THE MEN'S ROOM even though I'm a female! Yeah, I smacked him for that suggestion!

) Then while the group of us was discussing the upcoming Star Trek Convention and the necessary logistics of getting me there, Mr. Comedian announces that I can sleep in HIS motel room and that he sleeps naked! I DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF NONSENSE!!!! GEEZ!!!