Bones, I am SO happy your dental work is going to be covered!
I am joyfully imagining a big Bones GRIN.
Thanks, Hops.
I'll be meeting with the new dentist next Monday. I hope to get this resolved soon as it's uncomfortable to eat.
Took me until now to be able to verbalize anything.
I went to see the new dentist and the appointment did NOT go well at all. She wanted to rip out my implant because she really did not know what to do with it. She also wanted to rip out other teeth, including those with root canals, because they have become worn down, etc. She thought everything was infected. TRUST ME, if that many teeth were infected simultaneously, I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! (She's so young, she looks like she just recently graduated from dental school.) Right before that, the peridontist told me that my gums were fine and she didn't see any sign of infection anywhere! I told her, (the dentist), that she was NOT going to rip out my implant, resulting in my jawbone being ripped and torn to shreds, then having to wait ANOTHER TWO YEARS for my jawbone to heal because of my osteopenia before anything else can be done. I've had enough of THAT! Besides, the implant is at the stage where all it needs is to have the top put on it! After everything I went through, plus the expense, waiting for the implant to be ready for completion, I'm NOT having it ripped out by some kid who doesn't know how to work with implants nor work with people over a certain age!
Now I have to go back to my dental insurance to see if they can find someone who can work with my situation. I sent the insurance people an e-mail because my landline phone is not working.....again!