How are you doing, Bonesie? I've not done much more family research just lately - seem to be finding it hard to motivate myself at the moment. But still being visited by cute cats, mostly because we get a lot of birds in the tree outside the house at the moment
Hope you're doing okay xx
I'm taking things one day at a time. Those cats sound CUTE!
With family research, a new third cousin just found me this past month.
One day at a time sounds like a good plan, Bonesie. The cats are cute, I spend so much time watching them. The grass opposite our house is really long now, then you've got the trees with all the birds in and the cats all milling about in the long grass, sometimes snoozing, sometimes stalking. There's a young one who's new to the block, I'm guessing he's only recently become old enough to be allowed out. He just sits mesmerised by what's going on around him, because he's seeing it for the first time. He was trying to catch blossom as it fell out of the tree and it was just so cute to watch.
How many relatives have you found altogether now, Bonesie are you able to keep track of them all? xx
I'm visualizing what that CUTE little kitten looks like!
I've managed to accumulate a lot of relatives in my database over the course of several years. The third cousin, who recently found me, is just getting started with her genealogy and because all of the libraries and archives are closed due to COVID-19, she's stuck and can't research on her own. I have a lot of binders, notes, documentation, and some books so I'm acting as a substitute library for her. Whenever she has a question, I can look it up in my research.
That's nice of you to do that for her, Bonesie, did she find you online? I've not found any living relatives yet, I found a little one who passed away very young that I never knew about, on my paternal grandmother's side. That was sad, I'd like to see if I can find her grave once we're all allowed out again and take some flowers up there.
He is a cute kitty! Mostly grey with black stripes and little flecks of white, short haired, very sleek and shiny and just that skinny look young cats have because they've not filled out yet, you know? He's quite shy and won't come over to say hello but sits outside, he was wrestling grass yesterday, the cats have become like my daytime TV show! Lol xx