I'm having a bit of a "senior" moment and trying to remember if I posted this before or not. What prompted my thinking was a prior comment about "Karma being a bitch and paybacks are hell". If I had already posted about this, please forgive the repetition.
As some of you may be aware, some years ago I was working in an addiction treatment facility until I was fired. (Long story.) Some county people did question me about what I saw and I answered their questions honestly.....even though it meant I was probably blackballed from ever working in the field again. I also learned from other reliable sources that my replacement, a fully-certified counselor, had been caught RAPING a patient in the facility!

The idiots in charge attempted to keep this sex offender on staff claiming that because the patient has a history of addiction that she "deserved" what she got!

(What the hell happened to the Code of Ethics?!?!?) The medical staff reported the situation to the county authorities and the administrative idiots were ordered to terminate the sex offender immediately.
Fast forward about six years......the county authorities apparently gathered enough evidence to SHUT DOWN the facility and FIRED everyone who had been involved in firing me. Another drug treatment organization has taken over the buildings, renovated them, and has completely reorganized its operations. I would say Instant Karma caught up with the administrative idiots and payback was hellacious!