triggered a funny memory for me......
Decades ago, I used to work in a dime store while I was still in high school, (anyone remember G.C. Murphy Company and Woolworth's?) I was working the cash register when I noticed a young mother with her toddler, (this was way, way, back during the Dinosaur Age with the CLOTH diapers and those HUGE diaper pins). The young mother was focused on shopping while the toddler was stumbling along with a cloth diaper that was CLEARLY SLIPPING as gravity took over, (the toddler was too little to say, "Hey...Mom.....I need help here.....) Anyway, each step the toddler took, the cloth diaper slipped a little lower until, finally, the diaper dropped completely to the floor and there stood a NAKED TODDLER! What did the kid do? Looked around and did the ONLY thing a toddler could do....stepped out of the diaper puddle and SCAMPERED AT FULL SPEED DOWN THE STORE AISLE!!! What was Mom doing? Still focused on shopping and COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS TO A STREAKING NAKED TODDLER!
I finally walked over, picked up the abandoned diaper, approached the mother and said: "Ummmm, Ma'am, I think your baby just lost something." She gave me a blank look, looked at what I was holding in my hand, and took several seconds for her to realize that HER BABY WAS RUNNING THROUGH THE STORE NAKED!!!!! She snatched the diaper out of my hand, with a horrified look on her face, and took off running after the toddler, who was laughing gleefully while he ran through the store!!!!
I couldn't stop cracking up laughing!