Author Topic: Giving Away My Power  (Read 4877 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: Giving Away My Power
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2007, 09:08:49 PM »

I just read your latest installment and want to thank you for working so hard on your story, to get it out there and share it as you have.
It means so very much to me... and I feel exhausted with you... at least with just a touch of what I know you must be feeling.
I think maybe it is not so much depression any more? Not sure, but I hope that it is more like the self-sorrow about which I've been reading... the good kind... not the enveloping kind. So maybe it's not lurking dysphoria, but just an old, previously unprocessed sadness, now ready to flow... as you summon it... which is what you do when you write, I think. That's just how it seems to me.

I feel really bad for you about those neighbors. Sore spot there... privacy and restful solace are so important... and I wonder whether they will become invisible soon. I hope so... as whatever they represent is uncovered and more restfully laid to rest... hmm... I think I need to lay me to rest, but you get the point, I think. Anyhow, I have some invisible neighbors... they're very pleasant that way! But for right now, everything is so raw after the digging... like muddy ground, each step sinks deep. That makes for some tender moments.

And after reading today's, I also want to apologize for ever mentioning that thing I read about retelling of stories prolonging the grief...
at the time, I thought it made sense in context of one article, which I've still not located, and since been unable to explain too well.
But it had nothing to do with what you and the others have been pouring out on these story threads... nothing at all. And since I feel so unable to communicate better about what it meant to me, I wish I had just not said anything. Please don't let it trouble your mind a bit.

I am very glad and grateful for the stories which I've read here... and the people who've shared their hearts this way. I especially appreciate your journaling of turning points, because that's the way my mind works, as well.. well, when it's working.  I'll be watching for the next point... and in the meanwhile, praying that you get a good rest.

With love,


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Re: Giving Away My Power
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2007, 09:27:23 PM »
No, no, no, not to worry about sharing the idea of dwelling too much in grief or victim-hood being bad for us.  I think I understand the point of the article and I agree with it!!!

The thing is, I don't feel that our stories are so much a dwelling on such things.  I think it is more a chance to make sense of it and own it.  When Ami mentioned that I had made room for healing by sharing my turning points so far, that makes a great deal of sense to me.  I tend to think of martyrdom when I think of the points of your article.  And I know of many people getting stuck in that place and it is not good for them.  That's because they are stuck.  I don't think telling the stories is us getting stuck.  We are using them to get unstuck.

Um, I don't know what dysphoria is.  I will look it up when next I am googling.

Maybe I am sad rather than depressed.  It is hard to tell.  I have been thinking of sad things tonight.  And I am physically worn out.  And my husband was not home as he and I expected.  So, the evening was quiet and disappointing.  Maybe I can have a good dream tonight.  And maybe work will go smoother tomorrow.  And be less weird than usual.  This morning, in the midst of near chaos, my boss came in the building and started handing out ice cream bars on sticks.  That just did not compute.  We all work with our hands.  I might have understood if it had been a granola bar.  But ice cream?  I gave it to someone else who had collected three of them and he put them in the fridge.  See, I'm detached from my boss.  I didn't eat the ice cream bar at 8:30 in the morning while trying to move equipment and such.  [Head shaking]

Okay, now it's time to turn in.  Good night all.

Love, Pennyplant
"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon

Certain Hope

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Re: Giving Away My Power
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2007, 10:27:36 PM »
Oh, thanks Penny! I have been feeling alot lately like I need to add disclaimers to everything I say. I am so glad you understood.

And I agree with you... I do not feel at all like telling our stories is to dwell on the past, but just as you say - a way to make it coherent, and cohesive, too, I think... to own it. There are so many bits and pieces of me still floating around willy nilly, I know that's why I still use so many ... ... I am not yet still enough to write a narrative.

What Ami said about making room for healing registers with me, too. I can feel that in myself as I release shame... and smoking was a huge source of that. I could not justify taking care of myself in other ways as long as I knew that I was killing myself with that smoke.
I'd take vitamins and do some other good things, but it was halfhearted. Often I picture my hands as being clenched tightly in fists around a crumpled wad of old rubbish. My object lesson in this is the memory of me as a compulsive perfectionist, regularly flitting from room to room on one of my cleen sweeps, straightening this and that, picking up loads of stuff in the process and not slowing down long enough to rid my hands of any of it... to the point where I'd stand helpless with no room to pick up another single item. It was really pathetic. I can't carry it all. That stopped one day when I just dropped it all into a heap in the middle of the room and sat down and cried.
Need to do that same thing with all this emotional junk, once the barbs are unhooked from my brain.

Oh, I thought that dysphoria was just plain old depression (that's what I get for using psychospeak!)
Having looked it up, I see that it's a sort of restless, anxious depression... maybe a different variety.

I think it's a good thing that you're open to thinking of sad things, Penny. For the first time in my life, I am beginning to not feel ashamed to be a bit sorry for myself. So far, so good.. although I am a bit more babbly than usual, it seems. But I feel released from so much garbage. Not so stuck.

I'm sorry your husband wasn't home as you'd both planned... that is sad. I guess God figured you needed this time alone to sift.
((((((Penny)))))) I am sure He is looking out for you with both eyes open and both arms outstretched to you.

Your boss sounds like a kook... umm... what'd he do, rob the Good Humor truck on his way in to work? How odd!
I'd like to think he meant well... but shakin my head over here, too.
On the other hand, ice cream sounds pretty good about now.
Good night, dear Penny. Thank you for talking... while you're sleeping... I am glad to be able to hear  :)



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Re: Giving Away My Power
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2007, 10:31:52 PM »
Shunned, I've been reading your story on the other board and it seems like you have more than enough reason to be easily triggered.  I'm not at all shocked at the vulnerability of your emotions given the history.  It seems like you need a safe place to give them some freedom and give yourself a chance to explore them.

I just don't think we can force ourselves to feel differently than we do feel.  What we can possibly have control over is the time and the place for the emotions.

Love, Pennyplant
"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon