Hi hi.
Lup, I'm disgusted too. A Bill OReilly fan, eh?
I heard on Air America tonight how Bill gave a big yak about how he just went to a restaurant in Harlem and he was AMAZED that it was just like any other restaurant, in spite of all the black people, and that everyone was "very respectful" because of course, "They all watch The Factor."
Your boss has a serious case of enormous ignorance. That sure puts a personal face on prejudice. I'm very sorry.
You have to speak to him about it because that is your first step in case of any future legal proceeding. Your former boss is right. It's an EEO issue. (Equal Employment Opportunity). And could morph into harrassment.
I don't have anything birlliant, except that it can be brief, there is no reason for you to feel vulnerable. You just need to make eye contact and say:
The remarks you make about immigrants and the other comments you make about my language, accent, how I came to America, etc. are offensive to me. I feel isolated and disliked when you make these remarks, and the teachers follow your example. Please stop making remarks about my ethnicity. I am an American and I am not here to be harrassed because of your political opinions.
Something like that? I don't have any first-hand experience...but that's how I'd handle sexual harrassment, and racial/ethnic prejudice is very similar.
Good luck, Lup.