Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for responding.Your responses were really life changing for me b/c I saw beyond the surface problems to deeper issues.
There is is much combined wisdom in this group that it is mind blowing.
As Sally said, there were so many issues wrapped up in seemingly one. Once,I separated the issues it did not seem so overwhelming.
The first issue ( and the most obvious)was the e mail.I knew that this girl was very,very troubled. I wanted to be of service to her,but she could not receive it. I feel no ill will to her. I don't take it personally. What upset me was how a "thinking" process can be so "off" and the person has no idea.Also,, the person is very intelligent and articulate,but the thinking has been so "warped" by abuse that they can't relate to another person even though they really,really want to. They feel compelled to push you away and blame you so they don't have to relate.
I never quite had anything this "strange' happen to me. However,it made me start to look at myself and areas in my life that I might not be able to see. How would I know if my thinking were "that off".
It shook me up for her and for my own thinking( made me really question myself)
I have a hard time trusting woman. I had had best friends in the past --up through college.It made me wonder if I was pushing Maris away like this girl pushed me away.
HOWEVER,I HAVE to have a basic trust in myself or I am totally screwed.The basic trust in yourself will be the light that shines in the darkness. I can question to a degree,but I have to go within ,ask my gut and heart and GO with it. Everyone who has ever been close to me always tells me that I have very good instincts( even the cop). so I have to simply go with them.
Also. how warped could I be if I raised two sons and they are good adults? A really warped person could not do that.
So, I have to reassure myself with this. If I were that crazy,my kids would not be as decent and loving as they are.O..K.
So, The e mail thing is over.
The next one is Maria.I will do what Lighter suggested.I need help with the house and I am not good with choosing furniture,artwork etc. If something could not be returned( and WHO even wants to return furniture) I would never get it.
So, we will do these things and see what happens.I will not give money as a ATM, though.It is wrong to do that to me.So, that problem is resolved.
The other problem was "seeing" my M as a three yr.old. I really "saw" with true eyes that my M is a young kid, emotionally.It rocked me.
Last night,I was sobbing in bed. my Yorkie came up to my face and started licking(right in my eyes) the tears of my face. I never had an animal like this. My Poodle runs away in horror whenever I cry.
I had a dream last night. I knew what most of it meant when I woke up. My family was on the way to a trip--- to the airport. We stopped at a school and we were taken hostage by out of control kids with guns etc. They were deciding who to kill. I said they could kill me if they would leave the other family members alone. They were deciding what to do. Suddenly, there were crowds of people there. I sad,"Why can't some people in the crowd help me so I don't have to be killed?".I was told that the sacrifice was already made and it could not be changed.
It was that I sacrificed myself for my Mother..
I felt a peace when I woke up.
I am coming to peace that my M is a 3 yr.old. As my kids were growing up, I saw that my kids were much more mature than my M. I started noticing this in first grade. They had more understanding of others and more consideration for me and other people than my M. I thought that it was a crazy thought,on my part.
I never knew about N's.
As they grew older, then they were much,much more mature than my M.
So,I saw ,yesterday, another piece in the puzzle.This one really,really hurts and is so "final".
I read an Ann Rule book about a female M.D. who ended up killing her kids. When they did the evaluation on her, they said that she had the emotional maturity of a young child, even though she had been an ER doctor.
The really hard thing is facing my M. Then, the next step is seeing that a 3 yr.old( my M) is not a good judge of me. I based my whole self concept on a three yr.old-----YIKES. So, the next logical step is to take back all the ideas that she gave me, which were false.
Yesterday,so many things came together for me.Thank you for your wonderful help and caring.
Love Ami