Well I guess you have another member of a child of a narcisst.
I was raised in an upper class background by parents who came from poverty and dysfunctional families. They tried their best to nurture my siblings and myself, but my father was so damaged from his lack of childhood and his N parents that it resulted in him only concentrating on his self worth, which was measured by money. He told all of us never to marry, never to trust people and money was only thing to protect you, etc.
Anyway, the result is he raised children that all became highly educated and successful. We are all also in non committal relationships, workaholics (80hrs weeks), and basically lack any true emotions. We have created almost perfect “alter” egos to deal with society and thus have closed ourselves off from any real emotion. My problem is that I also now judge myself and well being by wealth. Hopefully, I can start to be honest with myself and others and not end up like my father.