Author Topic: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork  (Read 3565 times)


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2007, 07:07:25 AM »
So glad you're feeling UP to finals, Changing.  You'll get through it, though you may not be topsey in your class, but so what?  Look what you've accomplished!

BTW,I try not to depend on S any more these days..... I certainly don't travel with her anymore.   Haven't in years except for the occassional drive and you wouldn't believe what a circus THAT is.  She has to have a list of crunchy munchy CRAP to stuff in everyone's face AND she constantly entertains the children so that it takes me about 3 months to get them calmed back down and again and behaving like the calm happy little travelers they normally are.

DOn''t even get me started with the trip to Florida where I gave in and let her co sleep with my non co sleeping toddler.  It took, yup, another 3 months to get her happily back into her routine and bed..... we started on her bedroom floor where she tossed her head looking for a cool spot on the pillow and broke my nose.  Always flopping around and I'd accept the label of the cruel refuses to co sleep mama except.... by the end of that trip my darling sister came in and dumped the frantic child into MY bed bc she was hyper and couldn't be calmed down, so used to her routine was my baby.  She also peed on the floor but hey.... I was up anyway.

What's a complete breakdown in your childs happy routine and a set back in potty training as long as the child's aunt is doing something that SHE likes to do?

Eh... must run..... GOOD MORNING 8)


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2007, 11:22:12 AM »
Wow.   :shock:

My dad does this too.  Traveling with him is like being forced to play a part in a comedy written by an evil genius.  Well, even a grocery trip, even if I run through every imaginable scenario and carefully review all previous experiences - will have some horrible surprises that somehow are generated by him.

This spring he called up, sniffing around to see if I was still fool enough to agree to convey him on an 8-hour car trip into Canada.  I've been fool enough to convey him there and other places any number of times before in the Dark Times.  Luckily I am (a) no longer such a big fool in that particular way and (b) responsible for a small baby.  Can you imagine the scope of chaotic horror and stress that could be generated by such a person when there is also a small baby on the trip, probably screaming?  Even though I will never have his gift for destructive chaos and can never, ever, neverever anticipate what might be in store or from which direction the crisis will arrive - you betcha there will be horror and crisis.

Oh, so my sister drove him up to Canada as His Lordship desired and she said he was a lamb and they had a lovely time.  Oh yeah?  Kiss my... grits.

Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2007, 11:28:26 AM »
And imo, and maybe this makes me a nutter and for long ages I resisted this thought but..., he is doing it on purpose.  Not all of the seeds of chaos are planted at the same time - some have groundwork laid a long time before (car problems), some are cultivated in other ways (didn't pack it, did pack it, never arranged it, lied about arranging it), and some are spontaneous inspiration.  When the circumstances are ripe, it all comes together at once in a horrible souffle.  And if I get upset, then he gets to lay into me and berate me.

Imo your sister is doing it on purpose.  It's her special talent and it always means suffering for others, eh?  My dad will never never ever admit it, but I've just plain seen too much now.  Even if somehow he isn't doing it on purpose (he would loooove if I raised that contention with him - ha ha), I don't care.  I don't want anything to do with it.

Btw lighter, my sister likes to do the out-of-the-blue remark of deep disgust and contempt for me and all I represent too.
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2007, 11:29:54 AM »
Hi Iphi-

Sounds like your sister is employing a trick that landlords use when they want to get rid of a destructive/problem tenant- they give a great reference to move the problem along ! I hope that you and you family are well, and I imagine that your sweet baby looks adorable all bundled up for the cold!!!




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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2007, 11:35:03 AM »
Hi Isabella:

Just say your e-mail regarding my post about my family and Nsis and thought I should comment.  Your description of how to handle someone you've had no contact with for a long time makes absolute sense and is the adult, healthy way to handle the situation.  The problem is it simply doesn't work with someone who is truly N, as my sister is.  They have no boundaries.  They have no concern or interest in anyone else.  They sit on their self-appointed throne dictating and controlling others around them. The truth is you cannot have a quality relationship with an N because relationships involve two people giving and receiving reciprocally, and Ns just are not capable of this.  THe world revolves around them.  They are not satisfied unless everyone's attention focuses exclusively on them.

In my case, I have an extreme N sis and a similarly Nmom and co-dependent dad who enable and support my sister's Narcissism despite the great harm she has done our family.  Ultimately, my parents sacrificed having relationships with two of their three children (myself and my brother) along with their only grandchild just so that they can enable my Nsister's wishes.  Even from a very young age, I understood that my Nsis wanted desperately to be the only child for my parents.  She abused me verbally, emotionally and physically from the time I was young enough to have a memory.  She always made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me.  So, ultimately, we never really had a relationship to begin with.  Later on, when my brother (whom she always considered her territory) became engaged, my Nsis unleashed her wrath on him.  She backed out of  his wedding at the last minute because she was angry she couldn't select the color of the bridesmaid dress (at least that's the excuse she gave).  On his wedding day, she wrote a truly hateful and obscenity-filled letter to my brother which she included in his wedding card.  A few years later, my brother and his wife had a child and decided for very legitimate reasons to select his wife's sister and husband as godparents (my Nsister was not married and did not believe in God, two points which were important to my brother).  When she wasn't selected as godparent, my Nsis immediately disowned my brother and his entire family.  When he sent her a baby picture of his daughter, she ripped it into tiny pieces and mailed it back to him.  Despite his many attempts to discuss it with her calmly, she refused.  As a result, she refused to be in the same room with him, refused to compromise when it came to holiday schedules and essentially destroyed our family.  Now she didn't do that alone.  My Nparents allowed her to do it.  They now spend all their time with her, ignoring the rest of their children and grandchild.  

My point is this.  With Ns, you can't have adult, normal conversations.  They will never take responsbility for what they've done.  They will never allow a conversation to be focused on anything but them.  They are manipulative and controlling.  I know for a fact that the only reason my Nsis has tried to manipulate me with her gesture of gifts is because it would be the icing on the cake for her if I appeared to come over "to her side", thereby leaving my brother in the dust by himself.  She has never made any attempts in over 10 years to contact my brother.  

I think it would be one thing if I had had a real relationship with my sister at one point of my life and then something happened which fractured that relationship.  But like I said, she made it clear to me from a very young age that she wanted nothing to do with me.  Her only interest was my little brother and my parents.  Typical N behavior when a new sibling enters the picture.  She is truly an unhealthy, manipulative person and you just can't deal with a person like that in a healthy, adult way.

For me, I'm most sad that my parents chose her, the person who caused all the damage, and allowed her to destroy our family.  It hurts me greatly that they thought so little of my brother and I that they did not stand up to my Nsis and tell her they refused to choose between their children.  It hurts that they don't care about having relationships with my brother and I.  But that is their choice.  It makes no sense to me but they are sick, just as my Nsis is sick.  Narcissism is a very damaging and painful illness.  It is not to be taken lightly.  

While it is very difficult, sometimes the healthiest thing you can do for yourself, as someone who has been on the receiving end of a narcissist, is to stay very far away from them.  I have no problem doing that with my N non-sister but I still struggle terribly with my Nmom and co-D dad.  Parents are a lot different than siblings.  The connection is much stronger.

I think also Ns come in extremes.  There are cases where the N person in your life might not be so extreme and you can have some kind of a relationship with them.  However, in other cases, the level of their narcissism makes it impossible.  To have a relationship with them would mean sacrificing your own mental health, self-esteem and self-worth.

Just my take on things. Perhaps others could comment or add to it.


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2007, 02:18:17 PM »
Oh, Iphi, lol. 

I actually hear circus music when my sister's in the room :shock:

Good for you..... just say NO to the crazy F trips, let your S field them all, (she's so pleased with the visits) and keep loving all over that baby.

How is the wee one, anyway?


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Re: Now is the time that all evil Ns come out of the woodwork
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2007, 08:24:36 PM »
Lighter, Iphi...there are NOVELS (or extraordinary memoirs) in you two!

What a clear and sound and sane assessment of your family.
I am truly impressed at your thoughtful grasp of reality...
Good for you. Life (real life) hugs you back.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."