Author Topic: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!  (Read 5220 times)


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2007, 07:27:20 AM »
and tell  me

with the electricity off---where would I get HOT water for a hot water bottle?

Oh yes, I also left the heat on all night to help with early day.


I have G A S too so..... if you had gas you could have availed yourself for that hot water bottle.

Smart ass, lol.

Glad your day wasn't too bad: )


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2007, 12:22:56 PM »
Thanks Lighter

You got gas? Take Beano and there'll be no gas. :lol: :lol: :lol:

That would be the way of thinking from someone on gas, and I wasn't even thinking you had gas when you said that.

.....but it's all electric here!

Love Izzy


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2007, 02:02:13 PM »
Beano paralyzes me gullet.

 Not sure why but I suspect some dreadful bacteria one gets from wood and lake.

All electricity is a dreadful thing.

My hot water heater's gas as well as my stove and cooktop. 

When the lights go out in Georgia..... I can turn up gas fireplaces and crawl into a nice warm tub..... used to be able to stay in the tub for hours while controlling water temp with my toes.  Doesn't happen any more now that I have children.

Bathing is so much more dramatic in a freezing room filled with steam and firelight.  ::nod:: 

Hey!  It just occurred to me!  You could get a wee small generator to run some basics.... small space heater, computer and electric blanket perhaps?


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2007, 04:47:28 PM »
My leg is bothering me, as I was allergic? to the cream and have bumps blisters and bleeding along with swelling, but I also had a rash before, on both legs which is scarring me terribly.............
from my first opening post here.

I would now call it a skin reaction to the cream.

At hospital today, x-rayed, no more cast, but don't bear weight, and there will be a Homemaker coming every day to treat the sore on my heel, as well as my leg bumps, blister and bleeding, I expect. (Well the homemaker has to call me after that Dept. receives Dr.'s orders.)

Hi lighter

I suspect some dreadful bacteria one gets from wood and lake. Do you  mean this for real, like what kind of 'bugs'???

Gas 'frightens' me because of the open flame, but my mom used gas all her life, and no microwaves.;0) and you sure make it sounds sexy.

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2007, 10:28:44 PM »
Hi Sweet-

Glad your cast is off. Sore on your heel- I missed that one. You little trooper, I hope everything clears up soon, with no more sores or breaks whatsoever. Do you elevate the leg as much as possible? That may help a bit with the swelling.

I'm hoping that after the rash settles don, you may  perhaps be permitted to use aloe vera on the skin that is scarring. You buy a plant and squeeze the fresh juice ( kind of gooey) out of the leaves. It really helps the healing process. Also keep your legs out of the sun after the rash leaves- there will be so much less permanent noticeable scarring.

Will the Homemaker help with chores as well? You deserve a respite, dear. Hope you are cozy and happy tonight.




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2007, 10:50:35 PM »
Aloe is an angel plant
grows in the desert

but full of healing water

like little Ns' children grow

up to heal

(I'm watching Bob

think that's



"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2007, 11:00:39 PM »
Hi changing,
Yes cast off one week now and is staying off. X-ray was okay today.

I would go nuts if I took time out to elevate my leg. If the afternoon is free, I lay down on the bed to read (leg is level with my body) and I am in bed early to read, maybe 8-9? and get up about 9:30-10:00 unless I have an appointment.

The Home nurse just left and took all the info and put something on my heel and then another regular will call and come on Wednesday (regular because she is in my area of town) She will take pictures and ET at the hospital will get them. ET? (external therapy.

I don't go back to hospital until Jan 14, 2008

No they are not chore people! I've managed very well on my own from the beginning. I just thought I couldn't as the cast was too long, Everything is in its place.

I've had breaks before and swelling and it just took its own merry time to go down, always eventually did.

And how is your foot? Is it healing well?

Thanks for thhinking of me and don't worry. There is no sun here, and I always wear pantyhose, winter and summer.

toodle doo for now

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2007, 11:28:42 PM »
Hi Dear-

Today has been a very  bad foot day in a very bad foot season. I have worked like a dog all day, and can't walk at all now, can't put on a shoe or a slide even. Bleeh!

My foot will never get better (unless I can get a cloned one or something similar sewn on- hmmm another movie idea, instead of "The Hand" it could be "The Foot", the hero might get the foot of a N and start terrorizing people ) and is growing inexhorably worse. I got an experimental surgery and can do a lot that I normally wouldn't be able to, but things are going downhill quickly of late. I haven't been doing my therapy, have been doing more than I should in house repairs, etc.The doctors all think that the foot is just about shot (no joints as per he xrays, tarsal nerves twisted and messed up, tendons etc a joke!!!!). My genius man said to delay a fusion surgery as long as possible, as my foot will be static and not able to do much, like a stick. And the pain may very likely not be abated anyway. There are some interim surgical procedures that I can do, but I am trying to finish the lawyer thing up first.

I want to finish school and pass the bar if I can without more surgery, but my mobility is getting compromised more and more and the pain constant and worse. As I said before, if I were a horse they would have been considerate and put me down, but I guess that I have to keep klomping along into the sunset! I avoid the pain meds that I am prescribed unless it is extremely excruciating. That way I never have to graduate to higher dosages and even nuttier drugs in order to take the edge off.

I used to love to run and hike carrying huge heavy packs and now...I need to get my Baby Sammy a dog pack and a saddle! Maybe I could even start a new trend!!!




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2007, 11:55:28 PM »
Hi changing,

Well you are in a terrible state. I am So sorry to hear of it,

You can do more than before, but...............

.................welll, and you know, no therapy and too much physical work will set you back. Thiink you can get a foot transplant?

I too remember, dancing, bowling, track and field champion, carrying an umbrella, and was I ever good at running in high heels--downstairs, or to catch a steet car.

It's a totally different life

do take care


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2007, 04:26:22 AM »
Hi Izzy-

Foot swelling has gone down! I can take the saddle and bridle off of poor Sammy Dog now! Seriously, please don't be sorry, I am just fine. We just have to get your leg and heel, etc all mended. And I am looking forward to finishing my exams so that I can learn some fancy computer skills from you!
Hope you are having a great night!




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2007, 07:12:52 AM »
gee You guys!  I just read all these posts!  I am glad you survived the frozen butt to the toilet debachle!  Getting old and hurting oneself is a pain is it not?  I can barely walk from the move that will NEVER END!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2007, 11:39:02 AM »
You guys are strong ladies with plenty to complain about..... and yet you don't. 

Proud to be in your company.......

and lucky to benefit from your advice and perspectives.


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2007, 01:47:06 PM »
Thank you ladies,

Glad to help you with old age problems, etc. wheelchair stories of my craziness in my 30s and now I'm closing in on 69. I say the body is old, but my mind is not. ---and that is because I am still in my first childhood "wondering what happened"---?
...and working toward my teen years!

I'm surprised no one asked why I cannot carry an umbrella....?

Basically, no  matter what happens, I am still learning something.


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2007, 01:59:03 PM »
Hi Izzy-

Why can't you carry an umbrella? I thought that you were referring to the umbrella and running as an example of athleticism and poise- I was thinking of a tightrope walker, actually, as you sped down rainy steps in impossibly high-heeled shoes!

Oh Lord- when you reach your teenage years we will really have a wildcat on our hands!!!




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2007, 02:19:45 PM »
hi changing,

Am glad your swelling has deflated. I hate swollen ankles and have one now , of course.

AH. a wild teenager, I wasn't---first time around.

An Umbrella requires at least one hand, and I need both hands to wheel the chair.

I get wet at 4 levels, head, shoulders, lap and feet---- so try to avoid rainy days.

Even hands=free is no use--would be too big and bulky.

Always learning
Love Izzy

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« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 02:21:33 PM by isittoolate »