But I don't quite take your point and how it is germain to the problem of the poster on this thread. She obviously was a one night stand and was treated poorly by a young man with ill intentions or no intentions.
I am the original poster and my name on this board is Dawning. Nice to meet you, Nassim. I don't consider myself "a one night stand" although maybe I experienced that phenomenon recently. It was almost like a natural occurrence...I have never experience anything like that before. I see now that most men, upon being invited to my dwelling, would likely have forced themself on me but I have been lucky and not met too many of these types and, when I have, they have taken NO for an answer because I didn't give them a choice. I am still trying to figure out what happened because we didn't talk about things prior to the act. Would asking him his intentions/feelings beforehand have changed what happened though? As Nassim pointed out, some men WILL lie to have sex. I think the best thing to do in the future is to not let my energy/emotion/desire/intuition come together too quickly but use common-sense and make the man wait for awhile and NOT invite him to my place. Like I said, I wanted a girlfriend to talk with too.
And male energy is more about action, and female energy is more about intution and feeling
Hmm...I consider myself to be pretty active -maybe even more than some men. But I do think there is a difference between how the action is
felt and dealt with on the part of women and men. That is generally why men are not good belly-dancers and women are not good hockey players.
My issue is in why I did not talk about my feelings for him beforehand. That would have been wise and, perhaps, saved me some pain in the long run. And I thank you who have given your frank assessments for helping me along to see this.
That "monk" line sounds really suspicious. I wonder if he's used it before to hook women. Seducing a monk is a pretty nifty fantasy, and he may have realized its potential (i.e., the woman would believe she is the "only one", and if she singlehandedly "turns him off" of celibacy, that makes her pretty powerful).
Heh. I can't help laughing a little at this. Thanks, Bunny. If he didn't use it before, he may be using it now. HAHAHA. Gotta be light this afternoon. Laughter is therapeutic too.
Another thing I've been thinking is that for women, sex is bound up together with feelings of love whereas for men, the feeling of love is not necessarily tied together with the act of sex. If I had a crush on this person - and it is very likely I did - perhaps my desires were also related to the craving I have for unconditional love from my parents. Accepting that I will not get it from them might help me avoid this scenario in the future.
*Spirit, I like the name you use on this board. I think it suits you. You said some things that I have thought about myself.