In this Issue:
Quick Manifesting Morsel: Q/A: Confused: If I detach aren't I putting it out of my mind?
** Tele-series invitation: EFT to Attract your Ideal Relationship: Free Audio special.
Quick Manifesting Morsel: With Anisa Aven
Q: I'm using your Conscious Creation e-course and something has me confused! If you're using your thoughts to turn a dream into a reality and the stronger those thoughts the better the outcome then where does the detachment fit in? If I detach aren't I putting it out of my mind? Thanks. Lindsay
A: This is a beautiful question about how to learn the art of detachment. It may feel that as you increase your thoughts and strengthen your focus that you're actually becoming more attached to what you want and thereby preventing its manifestation.
However, what's really happening is that the more you imagine what you want, and
the more your taste-buds begin to salivate for the real thing, the more you trigger your level of consciousness to respond.
It's essential, as a conscious creator, to become aware of the two levels of consciousness and where you are at any one time.
One is attached and repels the manifestation. The other is detached and attracts it.
If you feel negative, then your level of consciousness about this particular manifestation is that you don't deserve it, you can't ever have it, or it's not possible for you to manifest it. This is attachment.
It's the FEAR, ANGER, DOUBT, SADNESS, or WORRY that you are NOT unlimited and therefore you cannot expect to have what you want that is at the core of being attached. It's not the 'vision' itself, but the fear of not having your vision that is the attachment.
If you feel positive, allowing, willing, courageous, accepting, expecting or trusting, then you are detached.
Your objective is NOT to stop thinking about what you want but to be able to feel positive when you think about it.
Think about your favorite dessert for a moment. My very favorite ice cream is Haagen Dazs' Dulce Le Leche. The more I sit here and imagine how yummy, creamy, and delectable Dulce Le Leche is, the more I begin to crave it. My mouth is watering as I think about the delicate ribbons of real caramel swirled in the richest, caramel flavored ice cream on the planet.
However, I don't feel like I'll never have it, or afraid that they are going to stop making it, or that for some reason I just don't deserve Dulce Le Leche!
Therefore, I'm not attached. I would be willing to bet you anything that in this moment I just created Dulce Le Leche! I promise that within a week someone will be knocking on my door with a pint, or I'll be in the grocery store and it'll be on sale, or I'll be walking in the mall and the 'free sample' guy will shove a pink spoon in my mouth!
I am thinking about my favorite ice cream and that's all it takes to create it (well, okay I have to actually want it also).
However, shoving my thoughts under the carpet or pretending like I don't have them, won't make it manifest any sooner.
Now, let's say we were prisoners serving life sentences. We're envisioning our favorite dessert now. Our current reality as prisoners incapacitates our ability to believe in our unlimited potential.
I find it hard now to believe in the possibility of ever having Dulce Le Leche again. Now, when I imagine the sweet caramel ribbons swirling in caramel ice cream, I feel really sad because I will probably never taste such sweet perfection again. Ohhhh.I'm attached.
My fear doesn't make me want it any less but it does prevent it from manifesting.
As a prisoner, not thinking about the ice cream won't manifest it. Only releasing my fears can create it.
It may be logical to think that in order to detach we have to remove it from our mind, to stop thinking so much about it in order to let it go. However, detachment does not mean you put it out of your mind or let the 'object' go.
It simply means releasing any and all doubts about manifesting it.
MMMM. can't wait for my Dulce Le Leche. C Copyright 2006, Anisa Aven,{FIRSTNAME}, are you single or do you wish your relationship were better?
You know that you want a relationship with your ideal mate, right?
You know that you have been 'envisioning' him/her or this relationship, right?
Then 'why' isn't it working?!?!?!
Maybe you're afraid that manifesting a mate just won't work for you?
Or, maybe it's that you are so attached to having your ideal mate that you are actually repelling your ideal relationship?
If you have attempted to attract a mate without success, or attract an improved version of your current relationship, then I guarantee that there's only ONE reason you haven't been successful.... You have a limiting belief in your sub-conscious that is blocking you from having what you want.
Until you release this block, you will continue to be alone, continue wishing your relationship was better, or continue to manifest less than what you really want. Join me in this one-time-only teleseries and learn how to apply a very quick, but ancient healing/tapping formula for releasing limiting beliefs.
EFT to Attract your Ideal Mate:
How To Release Negative Beliefs, Cease And Desist Self-sabotaging Behaviors, Stop Attracting The Wrong Partners (or no dates) ...In Less Than 3 Minutes a day! A special 8-part Tele-series for
Relationship Ready Conscious Creators. Together we will apply a 3-minute system for releasing our relationship limitations that either keep us away from our ideal mate, or perpetuate the attraction of the 'wrong' mates.
*** FREE Audio of the EFT sessions when you RSVP for the series by January 26th!
Class 1 of 8: {TAG_CREFTSESSION1} (Limited to first 40 registrants, reserve your seat today.)
Some of the Creation-Spiritual Tools that I use Personally....
As promised, I'll be including a few of the tools that I personally use to grow spiritually, manifest what I want, and create success.
One tool that I use that has increased my spiritual connection four-fold is the HoloSync meditation program.
A busy mind is normal. However, doing nothing about it is normal too -- but normal is not where you want to be! I never felt like an effective meditator until I invested in the HoloSync program... I just love it!
Meditation has added so much peace, love, happiness and most importantly it's given me the ability to do what my friend and client April Gregory says...'have the water-off a duck's back' philosophy. This makes the soil very fertile when I'm ready to manifest something!
Check it out at Centerpointe
F-R-E-E Manifesting the Sweet Life TeleSeminar
{FIRSTNAME}, next teleseminar...
RSVP: issue. Q/A:
How can I improve the relationship I already have?
Create a Great New Year!
Anisa Aven
www.CreataVision.comDo your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.
570-490 BCE, Chinese Philosopher, Founder of Daoism
Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, Stephen Mitchell, tr., 1988
The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them.
He lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle. Laozi
Daode Jing
Whatever feelings arise – whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral – abide contemplating impermanence in those feelings, contemplate fading away, relinquishment, letting go of all those feelings. Contemplating this one does not cling to anything in this world. When not clinging, there is no agitation. When not agitated one personally attains Nibbana.
c. 563-483 BCE, Indian Prince, Mystic, Founder of Buddhism
One who has finally learned that it is in the nature of objects to come and go without ceasing, rests in detachment and is no longer subject to suffering.
Ashtavakra Gita
Ancient Sanskrit Sacred Text
You are only to perform your duty without an eye on their fruits. Bhagavad Gita, II.70
400 BCE, Sanskrit Poem in Mahabharata, Sacred Hindu Text
Non-attachment is self-mastery: it is freedom from desire for what is seen or heard. Patanjali
c. 200-150 BCE, Indian Yogi
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, 15
Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trs., 1953, 1981
How to live the good life? The ability is in your soul, as long as it
remains unattached to things that are morally neutral to it. And the soul will remain unattached if it
carefully scrutinizes each of these neutral things both as a whole, and by separation into the elements that compose them. Remember that none of these things are responsible for creating our conception about them; these things are motionless and so can’t even approach us.
It is we ourselves who create ideas about things, and, as we might say, drag them inside ourselves. It is in our power not to include them, and even if these conceptions have unconsciously gained admission to our minds, to erase them.
Marcus Aurelius
121-180, Roman Emperor, Stoic Philosopher
The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius, Mark Forstater, tr., 2000
The six supernormal faculties of the enlightened are the ability to enter the realm of form without being confused by form, to enter the realm of sound without being confused by sound, to enter the realm of scent without being confused by scent, to enter the realm of flavor without being confused by flavor, to enter the realm of feeling without being confused by feeling, to enter the realm of phenomena without being confused by phenomena.
Linji Yixuan
d. 867, Chinese Chan Master, Linji (Rinzai) School Founder
in Zen Essence: The Science of Freedom, Thomas Cleary, tr. & ed., 1989
Once you realize universal emptiness, all situations are naturally mastered. You have perfect communion with what is beyond the world, while embracing what is within all realms of being.
Fenyang Shanzhao
947-1024, Chinese Chan Buddhist Master
in Zen Essence: The Science of Freedom, Thomas Cleary, tr. & ed., 1989
Just detach from thoughts and cut off sentiments and transcend the ordinary conventions. Use your own inherent power and take up its great capacity and great wisdom right where you are. Yuanwu Kekin
1063-1135, Chinese Chan Master
Zen Letters: Teachings of Yuanwu, J. C. Cleary & Thomas Cleary, trs., 1994
Live in the nowhere that you come from,
Even though you have an address here.
Jalaluddin Rumi
1207-1273, Afghani-Turkish Sufi Mystic, Poet
Many times the mountains
Have turned from green to yellow.
So much for the capricious earth!
Dust in your eyes,
The triple world is narrow;
Nothing on the mind,
Your chair is wide enough.
Muso Kokushi
1275-1351, Japanese Zen Master, Calligrapher, Poet
Desire nothing, and you’re content with everything
Pursue things, and you’re thwarted at every turn.
1758-1831, Japanese Zen Master, Poet, Calligrapher
Detachment is not indifference. It is the prerequisite for effective involvement. Often what we think is best for others is distorted by our attachment to our opinions: we want others to be happy in the way we think they should be happy. It is only when we want nothing for ourselves that we are able to see clearly into others’ needs and understand how to serve them. Mahatma Gandhi
1869-1948, Indian Spiritual Leader
By detachment I mean that you must not worry whether the desired result follows from your action or not, so long as your motive is pure, your means correct. Gandhi
in Eknath Easwaran, Gandhi, The Man, 1997
To renounce things is not to give them up. It is to acknowledge that all things go away. Shunryu Suzuki
1905-1971, Japanese Zen Master
To desire in the void, to desire without any wishes. To detach our desire from all good things and to wait. Experience proves that this waiting iHOME / AMANDA BUTLER
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The Universal Laws of Detachment & Faith
Amanda Butler , Keenawah & Associates, LLC
Published 06/13/2007 - 1:12 a.m. ESTRate This Article:
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The ‘What if’ game is one that is lived in the past or in the future but for these purposes it is used to illustrate a point. If you could close your eyes and create anything or anyone you desire, would it look the same as to what you currently have in your life? Most would answer, no. Then how can you change what is in your current situation? The first step is to utilize the Universal Law of Detachment.
The Law of Detachment provides a freedom from the past and the future. It asks you to be willing to step into the field of uncertainty, into the unknown. There is a wisdom in the uncertainty as we are willing to step into the unknown because it opens the doors into the energy field of infinite possibilities. When we are not attached as to how something, someone, or a relationship ‘should’ look, then there is space for so much more to occur. In that, there is freedom for you and others to be who they Truly are, to contribute to your life and theirs in the Highest Order, and to fulfill your Divine Plan.
There is no need to control your Self, others, and outcomes in order for you to create what you desire. By letting go, so much more can be manifested beyond your wildest dreams. The solutions and results of problems, situations, and relationships are much more creative, flowing, and expansive if you are detached. The energy is constrictive when you need to push or force the solution or result you deem necessary.
You operate within your limited scope when you impose your views and will to manifest what you desire. If you simply surrender, you will experience a greater scheme of probabilities within your life. If you trust and have the willingness and faith to step into the unknown, solutions can occur spontaneously with ease and grace even in the midst of confusion, chaos, disorder, or destruction.
However, most have the urge to control themselves, others, and situations in order to feel safe and secure thus producing an attachment to the result or outcome. Know that you are safer by letting go than hanging on to what you know. Hanging on to what you think it ‘should be’ actually limits the energy and the possibilities. The other reasons for control are the need to be right, to be acknowledged, or validated by someone or something outside of Self. These needs again provide the attachment that people or things must be a certain way for you to feel safe and secure. But safety and security is an inside job, not an outside one. You cannot achieve safety and security through your relationships, people, job, money, things, or even fulfilling your purpose. Your Divine Plan is only achieved and felt through your connection within your Self and with God, Higher Power, Divine Source, or however you define this for your Self.. Some feel if you detach, then you don’t care or you don’t love someone or something. There is the confusion that love and passion must show up as energies of attachment and enmeshment with someone or something in order for it to be real and true. This is a form of codependency. Within the energy of attachment, there is a check list as to what love equals, how it must show up, and how someone must demonstrate it. The attachment does not allow for the freedom of expression, freedom of one’s heart to express how it feels, or for the possibilities of what can occur and be through the acceptance of the true energies of love and passion within the relationship.
What the Law of Detachment teaches us is that as you step into the field of all possibilities and surrender your need to control, it allows for you to remain open to the infinity of choices. Life, full of its various kinds of creations, situations, and people, can be embraced as an adventure, an excitement, an enthusiasm to experience it as fulfilling, magical, mysterious, and joyous. The unknown becomes a place that is no longer scary but one of love (Living Only Vibrant Energy), freedom, and possibilities.
To support you in embracing detachment as a way of being is the Universal Law of Faith. The Law of Faith is founded upon recognizing there is much more that we can see, taste, or feel. It is the acceptance and knowingness that there is much more beyond our limited view. It is an understanding that we see only pieces of the puzzle not the whole puzzle, that we are a part of the All and are connected to Universal Love and Wisdom. We comprehend this when we let go and acknowledge the miracles occurring around us and within our lives. When we open to the possibilities and to receiving our Highest Good. When we experience synchronicities within our lives such as suddenly a person appears that you’ve been thinking about or you meet someone who can help you manifest something that you’ve put your attention upon, or a book falls off the shelf which answers questions you may have, or you go to a grocery store because you listened to your intuition to go at that moment and you meet your Beloved, the relationship you have been putting out to the Universe that you have wanted to create.
How we arrive to this place of recognition and trust is through the energy of Faith.
Faith is Feeling Abundance In The Highest. It is understanding and knowing the connection within and with your Higher Self and the Wisdom of the Universe provides you the path to fulfill the Highest Order for your Self. Letting go of the attachments (and your egoic will, the small personality validated by others, the need to be right, safe, or secure) provides a clear path for you to reach your ultimate objectives and creations.
By listening within and through your connection with the Universe, trusting your intuition, and discerning what is in your Highest Order, then Faith is inherent.
You are not looking to the outside for validation, you are not letting the past dictate your decisions, and you are not attached to the outcomes. You have the choice to play in the field of infinite possibilities and the unknown when you have the willingness and faith to release the maze of the past and your attachments. You have the freedom in choosing to create your life consciously in doing so. And you have the power to do so each and every moment!
Amanda Butler
s satisfied. It is then that we touch the absolute good.
Simone Weil
1909-1943, French Philosopher, Essayist, Mystic