Thank you so much, Amber and Iphi,
I feel so much better today after talking to that lady. She understood, at the heart level, exactly what I am experiencing. I knew,intellectually, that parents lost children,of course ,but never actually talked to one heart to heart. I am in another community now,bereaved parents, and I need this community
This lady, Joanne,lost 2 children(her only ones) in two separate accidents.
There is another lady,whom I will call tonight, who lost her child to suicide.
I feel like I can go on, if I have other people who understand . That is always important to me.On the board, we understand about N's and the understanding in itself,is very healing.
People in the outside world do not understand N's, if they have not lived it.
I have been in other support groups,but never really fit. I went to Al Anon and never really fit. I went to AA(but am not an alcoholic).
Both of these groups addressed underlying issues in life such as fear,gulit, etc,but I never really fit.
So, now I will fit in to this new group, Bereaved Parents, and know that I am not alone.
Thanks so much for all your love, Amber and Iphi! Ami