Well, I am typing at the same time as you. I bet Ami will be on soon. Until then.....
My prayer is something simple I made up for myself. It is based on my realizing that when I say I hate someone or something, perhaps I am really saying I hate myself. Normally, I pray for "the right words at the right time". That prayer makes me mindful and slows me down and helps me to understand that things tend to work out for the best if I don't get all nuts about things. In hindsight, I can see the big picture and the big picture is what I am aiming for.
So, for a couple of weeks now, I have prayed several times per day, Dear God, please help me to stop hating myself, please help me to forgive myself, please help me to love myself, please help me to heal from my hatred of myself. Then I go on to pray for my sons, my husband, family and friends. My sons are in special transition times right now looking for good jobs so I have added that this week, too.
It is amazing how hard it was at first to feel worthy of this simple prayer. I guess that shows the depth of my self-hatred. It does go pretty deep. It is long term, probably lifelong, that I have hated myself inside. I was a good sponge for my parents, hmmm?
It had to be awfully hard to sit through that restaurant meal. GF is not even at the beginning of her journey out of voicelessness. She doesn't even know that is what she is. Your son is at the beginning of a very hard journey. I hope that he will see it before he is legally tied to her. But he must be the one to see it, you already know. It is heartbreaking to watch. Perhaps your prayers and affirmations will have to include requests for strength to get through this. Wisdom and strength. Whatever it is you think you need to get through this time.
So, that's it for now. We are going outside to burn our brush pile. It is close to the little garden I want to plant tomorrow, so burn now, plant later.
Good night, Lupita.