It is my understanding that a job of a good therapist is to help the patient find their own solution.
That was really perfectly said. Yes, that's what I want my therapist to do. Be a sounding board, offer me guidance, but not tell me specifically what to do. I think it's especially wrong when the therapist only knows a very small amount of a 40 year history of abuse. She doesn't know the people involved beyond what I've told her, so to say that I have to take care of my father because he was the lesser of two evils . . . what? In the past, she has also doubted things that I knew in my heart to be true. For example, I told her a few years ago that I KNEW in my heart that my brother, the golden child, would be sole heir of their will and that I would be excluded. She told me there was NO WAY that my father would do that to me. Well guess what? He did. I just found out this week that I was right. I WAS excluded from the will. T should have never drawn that conclusion.
I'm going to see her again next week, and I guess this will be the final test for me, if she's going to end up making a really painful situation even worse.
I got another letter from my sister today and I'm sitting here in tears, totally confused, and not knowing how to respond. I'm going to have to lean on my therapist for guidance, and if I feel that she's leading me astray, not go back. I'm going to take hubby with me for a second set of ears, because at this point, I'm so hysterical, I may not hear everything correctly. This letter I got today . . . I don't know if it's sincere on S's part or if the whole thing was orchestrated, but my gut instinct is that S is being used as a tool. She went on at length (again) about how my father had to take my brother out to lunch and break the news to him that the will had been changed to an EQUAL split between the three children. Not that he was being shut out, but having to SHARE with his sisters (as it should have been all along) because they don't want 100% of their money falling into the hands of his crazy wife. I'm supposed to be choked up and grateful that I've been added to the will, not because they love me, but out of retaliation towards my SIL.
She also sent me 1/2 of M's jewelry. Included with the jewelry were photographs of everything, and an inventory list as "proof" that I was receiving my fair share (and we're talking maybe $100 worth of stuff here). There's no way that was S's idea. This is M guilting me. Part of the ramped up smear campaign. She's no doubt telling everyone that I'm selfish and greedy, hence the need for proof. In all honesty, I don't even want the stuff. I wanted her love, not her d@mn jewelry.
S also sent me a bunch of family photos, since I haven't seen them in so long. Yeah, like I want a photo of my brother, who has never wanted anything to do with me, with the exception of Christmas day, when he got gifts out of me. My S has NEVER sent me family photos, so again, I say I'm being played. I think S is also being played. She's a trained puppy, and probably doing what's she's been told. If my therapist tells me otherwise, or gives specific instructions on how to respond, I will seriously question her abilities as a counselor. I could sense some personal frustration in S's letter, so I know she's confused and conflicted. She's probably equally frustrated about some things, like finding out that she was executor of the will, but receiving no money. BUT her need to obey M is too strong and overrides her personal feelings. So, even sensing her conflicted feelings, I have to try and resist opening up to her prematurely. The smarter half of me knows that she is too deep under M's control and will report back everything I say, so I have to put up a shield and protect myself.
I'm sorry to be venting like crazy here, but if I don't vent, I'm going to explode. I know this is going to start getting worse and worse. If M doesn't get the desired response from me, she's going to kick it up a notch and start sending letters to hubby instead. He's already told me that if he receives any letters from M, that they won't be opened until after she's gone. This is SICK. She's using her death as a weapon. Rather than make productive use of her remaining time, she's going to waste it trying to stick it to me. She'll be able to die happy if she knows that she's hurt me, so I have to be VERY careful in how I respond to calls and letters from both S and my dad.
God, I could just SCREAM.