I'm too uptight and stressed to write today. I already applied for 10 jobs before 9AM this morning.
Only comment for today is a caution I suppose. I have noticed that during the time I have written my thoughts on this post, I have also let some things slip in real-life conversations that I normally would not have said. Uncensored things, not rude, just maybe things I wished I had not said that is all. I guess it goes to show that writing does have a real impact on one's life.
So I have some milagros, "miracles" on my wall, these Mexican silver icon hart decorations. I feel like I need a whole bunch of miracles to land on me.
A miracle bomb squad.
That has got to be the ultimate feeling of powerlessness, when one feels that everything depends on a miracle.
Reminds me of the Grateful Dead song "I Need a Miracle Every Day" Yea-yea-Yeaaaahh!
I guess people have been counting on miracles since before Jesus. It's not scientific. I don't care.
I need Miracles, lots of them like rain drops. I'm on the verge of taking my grandmothers jewelry to a pawn shop.
It's my fault, I have no one to blame. I'm not complaining. Just stressed. I need to drink less coffee, more wine.
Ok, Ok, I am complaining but to myself.
Maybe a year of miracles, one for each day. OR maybe just one really good one. I don't know, do miracles come in installment plans?
Do miracles get rationed out? I wish that miracles would come with tags, like gift tags that says To: Helen From: God
Maybe I should pray to Jerry Garcia, I mean could it hurt? OR to the patron saint of copy machines and paper clips.
I wonder if saints are still being discovered. Like saint of tin-can car owners. Saint of corporate takeovers. Saint of TV's.
Saint of Depressed people. I think I should write a letter to the Pope suggesting this one. There are enough depressed people in the world, we need one especially for this, she could be holding some black roses. Maybe she stands on top of a bed. Maybe she sets beds on fire. Who knows.
Some say that they happen all the time. That each and every birth is a miracle.
Ok, looked it up, there is a patron saint of abandoned people: St. Pelagius.
I'm wallowing like a glutton in my lame-ass crap.