Author Topic: My Truth  (Read 94012 times)


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« Reply #450 on: September 10, 2009, 02:40:42 PM »
Hi, Ami,

Yep that makes sense.

I think you have the idea that "you are bad".

I think I have the idea that "something is wrong with me".

Those two thoughts are probably the same thing going on, it's from being rejected and neglected and mistreated.
So we blame ourselves in some way for the way our Nar-relatives responded to us.

Rambling on....
It's true I did accept my relatives idea that something about me is wrong or less then. The thing is it has always been a deep and vague feeling. My relatives have never been able to pin point what they say is wrong with me. I think that is a sure and clear clue that they are full of shit because they don't have any real examples. The few examples they can come up with are pretty mean and irrational and overly critical when I think about it.

I have ups and downs in my life like anybody. The relatives point out the downs as evidence of me being bad and wrong and screwed up.

Actually the term Screwed-Up has some heat to it. Screwed-up is a popular term in my family.

The ironic thing is that if I am screwed-up it is mostly due to them.

Why do I reiterate this, I mean sometimes I think I get it, but then I have to write it again and then I feel like I understand it more.
It ends up being an obsessive-compulsive desire for understanding.

I guess that round and round thinking, analyzing is the internal emotional body pointing out at how big and real this emotional wound really is, it is my body and mind telling me over and over and over, THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS needs to be healed.

It seems to me that acknowledging on a deep level that I am wounded, It was a REAL wound/hurt and a REAL problem. REAL


So strange. I have to tell myself that I AM REAL.


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« Reply #451 on: September 10, 2009, 02:51:31 PM »
If I am invited to Thanksgiving this year a part of me is tempted to say it, to write a speech and to speak it out right there at the dinner table, maybe even a calm one. But I know they will not agree with what I say. They will tell me that my perceptions are wrong. They will tell me that the way I see the world is all screwed up. They will say that I'm just blaming.

Of course there is the possibility that I can come up with a great communication tactic. Of course they might say, "lets just have a nice dinner". Lets not talk about that right now.

Of course, I could say a sort of grace at the table, a sarcastic scathing grace and thanks but that would be too indirect, they could easily get defensive at that.

What is important to me, I guess I still have the desire to tell them how much they have harmed me.

I wonder to myself, even if they do not agree with me, is there some sort of healing in this.

IS there? Will contemplate this. Yeah, I can say something that will make them all freeze, make them all look white and quiet.

Just saying things about my truth would do this to them. They would be petrified like a kid who is in big trouble.

Do I have the right to expect more from my relatives? Maybe not.

What am I afraid of insulting them?

It would be rude if I had a voice.

I will title my little speech "What is wrong with Helen"

« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 02:55:27 PM by Helen »


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Re: Ami
« Reply #452 on: September 10, 2009, 03:17:32 PM »
Hi, Ami,

Yep that makes sense.

I think you have the idea that "you are bad".

I think I have the idea that "something is wrong with me".

Those two thoughts are probably the same thing going on, it's from being rejected and neglected and mistreated.
So we blame ourselves in some way for the way our Nar-relatives responded to us.

Rambling on....
It's true I did accept my relatives idea that something about me is wrong or less then. The thing is it has always been a deep and vague feeling. My relatives have never been able to pin point what they say is wrong with me. I think that is a sure and clear clue that they are full of shit because they don't have any real examples. The few examples they can come up with are pretty mean and irrational and overly critical when I think about it.

I have ups and downs in my life like anybody. The relatives point out the downs as evidence of me being bad and wrong and screwed up.

Actually the term Screwed-Up has some heat to it. Screwed-up is a popular term in my family.

The ironic thing is that if I am screwed-up it is mostly due to them.

Why do I reiterate this, I mean sometimes I think I get it, but then I have to write it again and then I feel like I understand it more.
It ends up being an obsessive-compulsive desire for understanding.

I guess that round and round thinking, analyzing is the internal emotional body pointing out at how big and real this emotional wound really is, it is my body and mind telling me over and over and over, THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS needs to be healed.

It seems to me that acknowledging on a deep level that I am wounded, It was a REAL wound/hurt and a REAL problem. REAL


So strange. I have to tell myself that I AM REAL.

It is the same (((Helen))). I also am afraid people will think I am weird. I really want to get rid of this because you can have so much fun if you don't put YOUR shame in other people's hands.
 I have a friend who loves it when people think he is weird. He says  crazy things and gets the biggest kick out of it.
 I think the REAL thing is cuz to an NM we are not real i.e. an object.
 This is the same thing as being "seen". When a child is truly seen  , he feels REAL. If the NM does not see him, or only as her object, he does not develop a right sense of self.
 If  a person can be SEEN in later life, supposedly, they can heal. I freaking hope so :shock:                          Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #453 on: September 10, 2009, 03:32:41 PM »
Oh my yes... the wounds are real. The "problem" - and perhaps what is behind the constant return to this subject of "what is wrong with me" and the feeling of rejection for having normal-person needs - is that the "what is wrong with me" is a PROJECTION of their own "screwedupness" - that they can't/won't own... so like a venomous snake... they throw it on you.

I'm not too chatty today. Been mired down in paperwork and numbers... my brain is a bit fried.

To ponder - if your friends are relatively normal people, why do you expect them to treat you like your family treats you? Friends do all kinds of things for friends... even if the favor can't be paid back in kind or equally for some time. After all, it's an opportunity to be together - which is what friends do, right? Try it - you might be surprised what comes of asking for a favor. Pleasantly surprised! They're not the people in your "family". And I'm here to tell ya - you're a likeable wench, and I like you a LOT. And I'll be your friend - if Ami can't drive you, I will.

Thanksgiving - I see the attraction in your proposal. I don't know too many people who've done this and gotten the result they wanted. I got away with telling my mother, that I wasn't going to mother my brother - I wasn't his mother. But that's because she didn't get that it was really her fault he's a mess. To date, she hasn't had the talk with him she said she would. That said, it wouldn't hurt - and incurs no risk for you - to write that speech. Passionately. Melodramatically. Add the smurfs - but hide them under the tablecloth and in the cranberry sauce! Writing it all out, as if you planned to give the speech for real... may provide you the relief you're looking for. And you have plenty of time yet, to decide if you'll deliver it or not. An alternative might be to simply hold the speech in your mind and observe how they treat each other & you... it can be your "secret weapon" ... and I'll bet opportunities will come up, where some part of the speech will be relevant and will just come out of your mouth.

Just don't hold out a lot of hope that it'll be received any differently than in the past. Denial is thicker than blood, trust me on this.

OK - one more thing... I know there's nothing "wrong with you". I also know that feeling that there IS... damn well. The fact that you can point to this now... and feel deep down the injustice of it... is serious progress. A big milestone on the getting-free-of-this-crap highway. Yes, you're going to blame them - for a while. Yes, you're going to proclaim "it's NOT MY FAULT" for a while, too. When you can start asking "what's wrong with you" of THEM, then you're on the downside of the mountain... almost free... but there are still hard battles ahead, Xena. The battles of re-programming yourself.

Deep, chi breathing... this moment... this moment... this moment... you are more than your thoughts, your feelings, your body... the sum of those is greater than anyone knows.
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Re: My Truth
« Reply #454 on: September 10, 2009, 03:42:00 PM »


You guys are sweet, I'm not literally asking for help, just contemplating my shame over it etc.

P.R. : "Denial is thicker then blood."

This may be the best statement I have ever heard.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 04:04:47 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #455 on: September 10, 2009, 03:51:30 PM »
Yah, I know this... about comtemplating... I enjoy your contemplations. Sometimes I'm prompted to interrupt; mostly I just like to read... you're making a beeline to the "finish line"... and it's beauty to watch. Don't stop! But do take care of yourself along the way...

the statement, tho' comes from painful experience and my creative "void"... the place I go to get ideas - collective consciousness, maybe? Dunno. It felt right. For me, too.
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« Reply #456 on: September 10, 2009, 04:19:02 PM »
I think of PR's statement: "Denial is thicker then blood" and I look around in this cafe. At the people working here serving coffee, something that has zero nutritional value. Also doughnuts.

I look at the people lining up to get the sugar and caffeine hit (I am one of these people obviously) I think about the oddness of this ritual. How much money is made over this little addiction so many people have.

I think, who are these people lining up, working here. What a pointless job! (No offense, I have served coffee in my lifetime).

I wonder what denials do these people have? How many layers? What denials do I have? Is all this fake.
What is real?

There are lots of wealthy pregnant women here and with children. I wonder: "are they happy'? Are they in denial?

I wonder if music is the only real thing, or maybe not.
I wonder if art is the only real thing.

I wonder if laying under the clouds in the grass watching the clouds is the only real thing.

I think about my last job, how even though it is suppose to be meaningful work only some people benefit from it, mostly the
well-to-do people.

My stomach hurts now from coffee acid and doughnut grease. I have a sugar rush, coffee jitters and I swallowed an antidepressant this morning.

I think my procrastination is a msg from my soul. It says no more.

I feel bad that sometimes maybe I am not more brave and take more chances on changing my life,
then at times I feel bad that I did not make more practical decisions.

I have been spending day after day sitting on my computer while my soul wanted to be running around living.


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #457 on: September 10, 2009, 04:29:48 PM »

sometimes a soul needs an invitation - engraved - a guaranteed admission. But you can make your own because life is for EVERYONE. Everyone is welcome and there is space - a place - for everyone.
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Blab Blab Blab
« Reply #458 on: September 10, 2009, 04:52:28 PM »
One last comment for the day, I passed by a previous coworker on the sidewalk a couple days ago. She was a friend of the main Nar-coworker I had. Luckily I was walking with someone so I didn't feel too bad and she was alone. That was part of their power, the fact that they were a clique.

This woman is educated and is respected for her "intelligence". The thing is I got this yucky feeling inside. I noticed the yucky feeling I got. I use to think I was weak for feeling this way and I just needed to meditate more or something. The meditation does help sometimes. The realization that I had is that healthy people will notice a yucky feeling and take it seriously and will get away or stay away from the source of the yuck. I on the other hand was blaming myself for the feeling of Yuck. The coworkers were creating the yuck, and I was believing it because my family told me I am yuck.

I don't know if I'm writing this in a way that makes sense.

I could look at this woman who believes herself to be so smart as if this absolves one from every fault, protects from any criticism, gives the authority to hand out criticism of others. I also feel curious about the fact that she can project so much Yuck. She doesn't seem to know what she is doing, how can she be so smart?

It makes me feel like I see these people. That some people will only see them the way they wish to present themselves, but I have seen their yuck and I just can't respect them.

I don't envy these people. I don't want to get near them, I want to be walking on the opposite side of the street from them.
I don't even want to poke them with a ten foot pole. I don't even want to see them or look at them.
My essential self squirms to get away from these people.

I'm not very good at making faces of disgust, I need to practice in the mirror a face of total revulsion that way the next time I see them I can look at them with the I just stepped in dog poop or walked by rancid road-kill. That's what I will do I will smell something really disgusting and look in the mirror..that is the face they deserve.

I wonder how intelligent can a Nar-person really be? How intelligent can a friend of a Nar-person be if they don't even see they are servants to the Nar-person.

I don't care. I'm just glad that these people are no longer in my life. I don't feel bad that they did not become my friends.

I understand why they are not my friends and I am proud of it. I'm not just saying that, I mean it.

I want to be Elvis for halloween. Lets rock, everybody lets rock, everybody in the old cell block, dancin' to the jail house rock...
The best part would be the big tidalwave wig I would get to wear. I would be a really terrible Elvis impersonator would be fun. I would be embarrassed. Elvis and I don't look anything alike.

Maybe I could be an Elvis Fairy, Or Elvis butterfly or an angry Elvis ghost who is pissed at all the bad impersonators.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 05:03:05 PM by Helen »


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #459 on: September 10, 2009, 04:57:10 PM »
Just want to say that I get it about "normal" people honoring their YUCK and abused people blaming themselves for it. I was talking about this just today with my guitar teacher who is one of the normies. He is my normie to whom I ask  crazy questions  :shock:
                                    Be Well Sweetie               Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #460 on: September 10, 2009, 04:57:39 PM »
Author and authority...


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Re: My Truth
« Reply #461 on: September 10, 2009, 04:58:42 PM »
The coworkers were creating the yuck, and I was believing it because my family told me I am yuck.

Time to do something else, other than believe this dreck.
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Re: My Truth
« Reply #462 on: September 10, 2009, 04:59:55 PM »
Just want to say that I get it about "normal" people honoring their YUCK and abused people blaming themselves for it. I was talking about this just today with my guitar teacher who is one of the normies. He is my normie to whom I ask  crazy questions  :shock:
                                    Be Well Sweetie               Ami

Thanks Ami
It doesn't take much to make me chuckle, your term "Normie" makes me laugh for some reason. The absurdity of it.


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« Reply #463 on: September 10, 2009, 05:11:43 PM »
If I dressed up as a Nar person for halloween, what would I look like?

Maybe I would have a puppet that I would hold onto by a plastic knife in it's back. Or maybe I would be a puppet master. Or maybe the back of my head would have it's own face.

Maybe I would have pink tinted glasses or black tinted glasses.

I could dress up as a rage-monster. This could be dangerous though, I think embodying this could make some city people lose-it and flip out.
That is probably a social experiment best left to the professionals.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 05:17:17 PM by Helen »


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« Reply #464 on: September 10, 2009, 05:24:48 PM »
Social Rules
Neighbor Rules
Friend Rules
Teacher Rules
Government Rules
Lover Rules
Family Rules   

Self Rules?

Rules for living

What Rules are ok to break? What rules should be broken?