Is it your heart you want to kill, or the pain in your heart?
A heart is also where peace comes to live.
That can be a formerly broken heart.
Like a bird wing, it is stronger after it heals.
I believe this to be possible anyway.
I'm sorry your emotions are jerking you around so much.
It's exhausting. Makes you haggard. No wonder you want caffeine.
But you came up with pink light.
You did that.
That's equally real.
Here's a Plutarch for you:
Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.
So each thing, each decision about how you'll present yourself the possibility of pink light, is little by little.
That's all it is. It's just one day at a time. Little by little.
Helps to plan it though. Not as a Big Thing, just as, like brushing your teeth an extra time.
They say you have to do a new behavior 18 times for it to become a habit.
So 18 days in a row, in spite of the job search and the desperation, you could ANYWAY spend 1 hour in positive community. Probably just 1 hour because if you went at it whole hog you might have one bad hour and throw the whole thing away.
Examples? I'll make it up. These are not necessarily the ones for you. Where was I. Maybe they should all be things you can just TURN UP for. Say, you could add to the list of possibilities any Open AA or other Open 12-step meeting because you can just grab one of those if you're overwhelmed one day and can't visualize the "plan". You don't need to belong. You can just decide you belong. I went to an open AA meeting once and about 50 people did the Hi I'm So and So and I'm an Alcoholic, and I said, Hi, I'm Hops and I'm not an alcoholic I just wanted to learn, and the room said: Hi Hops. And it was fine; wonderful actually. Okay, here's a week:
Monday--Boys/Girls Club volunteering
Tuesday--Choir rehearsal in a welcoming choir
Wednesday--Unemployment support group
Thursday--Meditation group
Friday--Therapy session
Saturday--Community garden cleanup or any environmental volunteer activity or group hike
Sunday--Soup kitchen helper
This is my kind of crazy. Writing Rx for other people's happiness.
I've learned to release the outcome though.