Hi - I tried to write about this topic earlier today and had some trouble making my opinion coherent. This is my second try.
I have been frustrated with things I've heard/been told over the years that interfered with my discovering that my Mother is NPD and it delayed my healing/recovery. As a result, it had a profound and very harmful influence on my life.
Forgiveness - I forgave my Mother for her shortcomings (which is how I saw them at the time) after college when I went off to start my own adult life. A MISTAKE. In doing so, her controlling, verbal abuse, negativity and disrespect continued, unidentified and unresolved. I was so careful to be "good and respectful" ( I was never the type to argue or act out) that I ended up hurting myself. It was not denial. I knew there was a problem with her - but I could never identify it and solve it. More separation ( I lived 100 miles away) and individuation might have helped and since she has always hated when I pull away, had I asserted this boundary, I may have discovered the issue much sooner. Huh. Forgiveness is supposed to be for my benefit, not hers. My lesson - I think forgiveness can be inappropriately applied when a problem needs to be addressed and resolved instead. I have some bitterness around this word and I am not sure I can forgive again with something like this or without confronting first.
Patience - I keep hearing/was told "you'll meet someone, it will all work out, it will happen when you least expect it" etc regarding my love life. It never did. I am the loner Dr. McBride outlines on p. 119. Again, this was BAD ADVICE for me because it missed addressing the problem. I will admit part of it was ego - I should have just walked into a therapists office at 25 and said I want a relationship....but I guess I had been so brainwashed to think I had to accomplish something, become something, be good enough to measure up to those who had a relationship while I was constantly left out (she never cared to notice, except to set up me up for social events with two gay guys - she claims she did not know they were gay - thats even worse because she also never gave me one word of dating advice) and I kept trying but was doing all the wrong things. By the way, I never believed it will happen when you least expect it - I still dont. When I finally did have my first boyfriend, when I was almost 41 it was only because I decided I was fine as I was ..... it was self acceptance not improvement and accomplishment that brought him into my life.
I am also vulnerable to these expressions and I think they are harmful to DONMs:
Be kind to others
Give of Yourself
Be generous, give your time
Give back
Don't be offended (Ruiz's book) but very bad advice to victims of verbal abuse - it encourages denial, boundary and assertiveness issues
Honor your parents ( this is touchy one - Dad yes! Mother NO WAY!)
I do believe in the law of attraction that Wayner Dyer, Jerry and Esther Hicks, THE SECRET, all those authors talk about. But what I think they do not emphasize enough is that sometimes we are blind (and I thought I was a very self-aware person with high self esteem, btw) to the unconscious drives and underlying problems in our life. Basically, I've had an unconsicous attraction to people who cant love, respect, work and invest with me. I finally get it....
FYI - Notice anything similar - in both of these examples - I went with the advice before addressing the problem. See a pattern here?
Anyone else experience anything similar?