Just wanted to give you a heads up about a problem with the board mechanics. A couple of people have commented on it, and for me, it makes me unable to post as much as I would otherwise.
When typing on the reply message, the cursor jumps while typing--and after a few lines, the cursor AND the lines start jumping making it impossible to finish the reply. I usually try to end the reply at that point because I dont have time to do much else. If I have time, I type my reply on Word and then copy and paste. But today the reply box would not accept italics and bold from my Word document, so I had to do some funny little star things.....
I dont think its just my computer since others are having trouble too.....if its an easy fix it would be wonderful for me, personally, since I have just ditched a couple of replies because I couldnt work with it that day. Anyway....
I wanted to thank you again for this board....I enjoyed your Yom Kippur message very much. We are in the middle of a kind of "our version" of Sukkoth and having a very good time...hope yours is joyous.