In my healing process I am trying to understand a few things - specifically what choices I am responsible for and what my choices are now. The problem I am having is that I have never been irresponsible on purpose, but there were places where I was blind to where I was abdicating responsibility. Thats kind of a big difference. It also meant that I was sometimes powerless in my choices - for example - my choices are different when you acknowledge by Mother is an N, but w/o that knowledge, people will assume shes just "difficult" and then my choices are different. Another example is an abusive workplace with a bully boss. If someone were to say its abusive or he's a bully, it makes sense to leave. But w/o that distinction, when you leave, people call you a quitter or you're not able to handle to competition or its assumed you are not competent. None of which would be true. For me, I did not know my Mother was N until I was 40, and I stayed in several jobs that I should have left or asserted myself in order to be able to allow me to stay. Ironically, I'm not the quitter, I never left, but in two, I should have.
I'm not sure if I am making myself entirely clear here - obviously, I made some choices based on what others might think or out of lack of knowledge. Things are different now - I was only powerless because I was insecure, fear of being judged and misled. In other words, I want to own/accept responsibility for my choices so I can make better ones, but I feel duped and I'm not sure how to rectify that. I have a lot of healing to do based on the consequences of the choices I made.
Any advice on this? I will be reading everything I can get my hands on today about healing, choices and responsibility.
All the best to you,