Nparents still sent money as gifts to H & I last year. We took it straight to the liquor store and bought all the stuff for our New Year's Eve party that Nparents would kill me over if they could. I sent them a picture later in the year of the kitchen island stocked with drinks, all the folks laughing and having a grand time. The part of everyone having a grand time probably bothered them worse than the alcohol because they do not want anyone to have a good time.
My mom didn't like it if I laughed too much at a joke.
In my family growing up, it wasn't normal for us kids to test limits - we were scared to death to cross my parents. Very damaging on their part because it gave me a fear and dread to human authority I had to overcome. Don't question
anything was the message. I gave out my Social Security number on the phone as a newly wed 27 years ago because I was so compliant. The person claimed they were with the SS office and lost my number. Even if it was true I should have questioned the request. I had put a change in for a name change so it seemed reasonable. I guess someone probably knew I had just changed my name and I would most likely need to change SS info because my wedding picture was in the newspaper.
Hi wondering,
Thank you for caring.
What would you do with money sent to you by an N? Do you have children that an N tries to get to you through?
My son is learning to have a voice and also learning respect. He doesn't "get away" with his mouth.
I didn't give the holiday goodies to the nice family in order for them to think highly of me. I brought the example up to demonstrate how someone might see themselves as deriving some benefit from a N's gift by giving it away and thus still be being "used" by the N some way - or "using" the N in some way, the money being tainted somehow by being involved in manipulative interchanges. I can't stand getting money from Ns and I have labored over how to dispose of it without deriving benefit from it in my attempt to end their manipulation of me through money. There is no perfect solution. So I had to just do what seemed the most healthy for me. I guess I wasn't clear as I thought I was in my writing. My ideas were summed up in:
No one is really that good to do the perfect thing, we are flawed, so a person can do what seems the most healthy thing.
This is my view:
We cannot totally escape caring what other's think in this life and it is fine to please other people in some circumstances in healthy relationships in healthy exchanges and hope that our loving actions demonstrate care to them. But never to impress. That is vanity.
I'm having great relief in not trying to fit my parents' definition or others' definition of perfect behavior. I am not perfect and I will never be able to totally stop caring what my parents thought of me or think of me. I have permanent emotional damage from their actions towards me as a child. I have cut off contact from them because their refusal to get healthy with me. I was willing to work it out and have firm boundaries. They wanted to not respect my boundaries. In no way am I pleasing them or trying to please them.
I grieve at times. But the grief is not keeping me from enjoying life and moving on. So in great measure I don't care what they think, but I won't beat myself up if I care sometimes and have a "naughty" emotion or two.
Also my view:
A person can only be passive-aggressive to another person and only if that other person knows what action they did. My parents have no idea what I did with their gift. It was for my satisfaction only. If spending money on what we want to counter the oppression we felt as children from our parent's domination and oppression is passive-aggressive then we shouldn't eat devils food cake for fear we will be possessed. IMO It may be crude therapy but it helped me at the time. Someday I may not feel like I need to do this and then I will have progressed to the next stage of not caring if that is possible for me. We have to get our anger out somehow. I can't instantly transport to the next level of healing. Maybe you are further along the journey than me. I need to be at the level I am at.
wondering, what are your experiences with N injury? I haven't heard your voice on here much even though you registered before I did. Do you still have contact with the N is your life? What do you do when Ns try to manipulate you with money? Please share and refresh our memories of your story. And thank you again for your input. I'm sure you meant it with the best of intentions, it seems we just don't agree on everything and that is okay with me.