Ok, So I'm going to write it anyways here because I just want to, I live in my own world in my own head and the parts of my life that actually intersect with other people are quite limited. I don't have anyone to complain to. The place where I am staying is warm and has a hot shower and is secure so that is pretty great. It's like having room-mates though, the kinds of room mates you just ended up with but didn't want to have as room mates. There is a young woman here who has been vocally going through a break up with her boyfriend. There’s no real privacy here, every person hears every thing that is said. So her boyfriend accused her of giving him herpes. Then I see one woman giving this other woman a tube of lotion for herpes infections.....and I myself have had some symptoms that I haven’t had before (in my mouth), so I am thinking to myself--did I possibly catch this from the shower knob or a bar of soap or an eating utensil. Technically the virus is only suppose to stay alive for about 20 seconds outside of the body, but I have read that inanimate objects if they are wet or warm, or if a utensil has food particles left on it then the virus may stay alive in that kind of environment. People can get it from towels. So...I'm somewhat pissed off....but there is not a lot I can do about it now.
I'm old enough that I'm not going to freak out if I have it. It's just that I have had about as much romantic action as a nun gets and it would just be one more insult on top of everything else.
I feel like I'm too old and responsible to have to deal with this crap.
So I made a doctors appointment at a community health clinic. So they can tell me one way or another and I won't have to act like a hypochondriac any longer. I can let it go and deal with it if I know what I'm dealing with, I hope. I'm pretty good at self diagnosis, based on what I've seen and read about symtoms I would say that I have it because I felt tingling in my lip (prodromal) symptom...that I have never had before. I don't have anything on my lips that look like typical herpes lesions- but I have had some areas inside my mouth that look abnormal to me. So I'm wondering is this from this person not washing her dishes well enough?
I'm a person who will hover over a toilet seat if I can instead of sitting on it.
I always wash my hands before I eat if there is a sink nearby.
The last job I had all of my co-workers got the flu but I didn't because I'm usually fastidious about hygiene.
Catching herpes from some random object was the furthest thing from my mind lately.
I even wear flip-flops into the shared shower.
This is why I need a little bit of Buddhism to remind me that no matter what sort of crummy stuff happens...all we are is dust in the wind.
Oh well.
Then again, maybe I don't have it because I just bent over and looked at a little red bump on my big toe and screamed (to myself) I even have herpes on my toes! And that is just me being crazy...so I laugh (ha ha).....oh but wait that is called herpetic whitlow. I give up. This really is too much self absorbed worry. I might start inspecting every hair folicle on my legs. OR NOT!
I'm going to the doctor, I made an appointment earlier today. Unfortunately I also want to apply for a job there. OH WELL AGAIN!!

I just hope they answer my questions with concrete answers, everything I might have is non-fatal, common and diagnosable.