My stomach feels a little ill because I have unwillingly ease-dropped by proximity a conversation here at this women's shelter between a mother and daughter. The mother (in drug rehab) asked the daughter for $15, the daugher says no she can't spare it. Then the mother rants about her daughter being unfair to her, mind you they are both in a homeless shelter and neither really in a position to give up scant resources. So after the mother threatens to abandon the daughter, she gets on the telephone and speaks to someone else about what just happened (sort of a group power?). Then the mother makes another call on the phone to set an appointment for blood donation. The daughter is ill in some way herself but I dare not ask about it. These people's worlds are not mine besides the fact that we are sharing space, and maybe I need to think about it that way.
I'm uncomfortably over hearing this and at the same time feeling revulsion for the mother and questioning my recent buddhist education session in compassion, still feeling disgusted at the mother.
**Oh God, now I have to listen to the mother pretend to be sick over the telephone. Faking the sick voice...and now off the phone and she says "I played pathetic"***
I hate this sort of intimacy with people, sharing space with random folks....finding out things that I don't want to know....(Oh Well)
I have been trying to find a push-pin somewhere on a bulletin board that I can have, couldn't find one and didn't want to take the one's that I did see, so I used a single lost post earring and used that to hang up my miniture Rumi poetry calander on the wall so I can keep track of time. I like these little moments of resourcefulness even if they are small I get some satisfaction out of it. Last night I broke the top off of an egg and didn't want to throw it away, so I found an icecream scooper to balance in inside of while I boiled it.
I just made arrangements for free theater tickets- I might hate the show, but oh well, free entertainment is free.
I think I may have found a place to take some free yoga classes.
On Friday I have an appointment to meet with a volunteer coordinator for a local arts organization.
Now I all I need is for someone to respond to my job applications.
I'm contemplating making a meal for all the people here with my foodstamps and then again I think maybe I should just conserve what I have for myself.
When the light switch gets flipped on here, there is a dull little glass tinkle noise in succesion of the bulbs blinking on sort of like a wind chime.
I write random stuff here, I like this board and it feels good to come here and just write and deposit thoughts.
(I just removed the "Sorry" from the above sentence, where I apologize for maybe not keeping to the point as I imagine someone else may think I am not to the point. I find it helpful to come here and write even about the mundane aspects of my life. I don't have anyone to share the mundane aspects of my life with.
I also ask myself could I date? -- No I don't think so.
I don't have a strong desire for the physical side of a "relationship" right now, mainly I think it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Because maybe somewhere in the words or the "story" my SELF become real or manifest or enfleshed. Sometimes if I don't write or talk, I feel like I lose track of myself a little or I get lost into the ether.
Normalcy would be nice.
I might apply for an office job in an abortion clinic. I hope I don't have to divulge that to the intrusive churchy people who are running this women's shelter. I myself have never had an abortion but I would still work at a place that provides this service. is very very strange sometimes.