I SO agree with these findings. I have a friend who I've ceased contact with because of her extreme narcissism. She's now on Facebook and has taken that narcissism to a new level. The friend limit on FB is 5,000, which is perfectly fair since no one has 5,000 friends unless they are a public figure, in which case you are encouraged to set up a fan page. This woman (my former friend) has two accounts, one with her name and the second with the number 2 after it, to hold overflow friends. She keeps her friend limit maxed out on both accounts, friending complete strangers to make herself look important (9,000 friends between the two accounts). Her delusion of grandeur is that she's a famous artist, so she must have these friends to heap adoration on her and perpetuate the myth that she's "internationally known."
I have watched her absolutely obsess over the friend count. Anyone with that number of friends will typically lose 5-10 a day - probably people who get sick of the endless posts about the person's greatness. I have seen her up at all hours of the night, combing FB for any interested party so she can get that number back up to 5,000 by morning. She has friended people in Russia, Turkey, and numerous countries where the "friends" do not even speak English. In fact, with that number of friends, odds are that many of them are bots.
I'm actually surprised that my NM hasn't discovered FB yet. I see in this the unpopular girl in high school who, 30 years later, is able to prove that she's "popular" because she now has 5,000 "friends." It's an N's dream