OK... I'd like to give you all an update....
Let's start by briefing you all that since all of this BS has hit the fan back in May. I have chosen a very different direction to head in life. I returned to my religion in hopes of healing and striving to forgive. I had 2 ways of dealing with all this...
I could rage and head in the direction of making my life's goal to "destroy my mother". Or...choose to be a bigger/better person, and have some sort of faith that there was a rason this all had to happen.
I chose the latter. (which is really a huge step for me). I have been in "full speed ahead" mode with learning more about my religion and striving to be better and do better. I must say....I feel the best I've EVER felt in my 32 years.
All the while, I have had little to no contact with my parents.
To date, I know I have more healing to do. But, a had a hard time decided what to do last week. It was my N mother's birthday. Humm...
Should I call or not! I told myself after asking many friends that I should call. Of course I prayed for an answering machine. Thankfully, my prayers were answered. Not only did I leave the message, but I had also sent 2 cards...one from my children and one from my husband and I.
I was feeling good. I did the mature thing. "I'm being a better person than her." I told myself. I was out most of the evening and returned to a message from her saying, " Hi Stacey, It's mom. Thank you so much for calling and sending the cards. It really made my birthday. Listen, I would love to talk with you. If your interested, call me."
I must have been in a good mood that night. Usually, as expected...she'd the last person I want to talk with anymore. I guess I threw her a bone.
We ended up speaking for close to 2 hours! I was exhausted afterwards because we started speak about "the issues" which I don't think I was exactly ready for. I'll spare you all the details.
What I wanted to note is this...
I told her I needed more time. I explained the spectrum of emotions I experience daily when thinking about our relationship. I stated that I didn't know how much time it would take to come to peace with it all.
My mother responded by saying, " Take as much time as you need. I'll be here whenever you're ready. Please know, that your father and I love you, and have always loved you. I feel so sad that you hold such anger towards us, and feel abused in some way. Noone has perfect parents. My parents did a lot of crazy things to me during childhood. The difference is...There comes a point in adulthood where you have to tell yourself, "My parents did the best they knew how. Nothing will change the past. Such is true with you Stacey. We loved you the best we knew how. We did the best we could. I'm sorry it wasn't good enough for you."
I responded semi-stunned. I thanked her for respecting my feelings. I also mentioned that there may come a day when I will come to peace with her comment. However, we'll never have to same kind of relationship again.
Now thinking back on it....YOU BET YOUR A-- IT'LL NEVER BE THE SAME! That's the wonderful part! I actually smiled! We never had a good relationship to begin with, and now...I can never be disappointed again. I have started to realize that they can only give so much. Therefore, my expectations are gone. It is one step closer to peace.
Thanks for listening!