Thank you Bones, Lighter, Hops & PR!
Bones: What I wouldn't give for a moat filled with alligators! I LOVE this image. Gonna wrap it around me like a security blanket when things get tough.
Lighter: So true. I'm coming to accept the fact that there will be no peace--not ever--with my family around. I am very tired, occasionally lonely, but totally unwilling to deal with the constant gang-behavior anymore. I only wish (my x-mas wish!) that they would stop circling me, stop coming at me, stop using the same language and the same mind-fuckery. You're absolutely right; they are the ones who keep creating the conflict and escalating it. It's passive aggressive and crazy-making.
Hops: Thank you. I've had a couple years off from therapy (I just couldn't afford it), and only hope in my new city I can find someone who's the kind of right-match you have with your T! I did a little research tonight and found a T in town who seems really compassionate and experienced in this kind of thing. I only hope she's got the time/inclination to take on new clients and thinks I'm a good fit for her too. Also, I hope I can find the solo-time for therapy with the hardcore breast-feeding I have on the horizon!
P.R.: I know just what you mean about "washing your brain!" It takes days to return to homeostasis, doesn't it? Yes, I imagine it's very hard to be a DH in these situations. And it really doesn't fall on their shoulders to "fix" it. I'm glad, in a way, that DH has limited understanding where FOO is concerned. If he understood the games NM and her cronies play, he'd likely either be N himself or he'd be seriously, deeply messed up from lifelong N-encounters (N-counters?) in the manner that I am. Sending you and your DH lots of strength and love through all those frightening confrontations and tough decisions you've had to make.
Came to the board really wound up tonight, but find you all have already helped me "recover my balance," in P.R.'s words! I'd gotten the below email from GC-sister, and felt deeply upset and depressed about it. It was like NM was speaking through her. She uses the same formal, passive-aggressive tone as my parents. She uses the same excuse as my parents (never in my life has sis given me or my family anything that's "too big to mail"--totally, completely ridiculous). Anyway, I felt totally cornered and gang-attacked again. And I really wanted to lash out at her, but I knew that doing that would only give her and FOO exactly the response that they've been looking for: more reasons to scapegoat, more proof that I have "an anger problem."
So, I kept it brief and unemotionally charged. Just said, essentially: "Sorry. I'm days from my due date and I have limited time, energy, access to the car DH and I share. And it isn't feasible to drive down to see her or schedule a time for her to come to my house." I wanted to ALL-CAPS SCREAM that I wish she would stop talking/acting/harassing/poking/provoking me in the exact same manner of NM. But after a few minutes of blind fury, I realized that I felt bad for her. Because as lost as I feel sometimes, she's lost even worse. She's actually utterly and completely voiceless. She's obliterated herself and vacated her life/will/relationships to make room for my mother. I suspect, deep down, most GCs don't feel privileged or lucky.
Hey Kay,
I hope you are feeling ok, I know you are approaching your due date. When you can, I need you to please pick a date & time that I can drop off the kids' Christmas presents. There's just too much to ship and I would like them to have everything for Christmas morning. I can drive up to the house, or if you would rather, you or your DH can meet me somewhere in between. Just please let me know as soon as you can.