Author Topic: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!  (Read 6935 times)


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Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:14:32 PM »
Just when you think they cannot possibly sink any lower ….

I went NC with my NM about ten years ago now, but finally made the decision to also go NC with my co-father two years ago, after a series of very hurtful acts on his part. I finally came to the realization that he was just as bad, if not worse, as she was. It was a very painful thing to accept, though I know many of us here have had to deal with the same thing. It's inevitable, I guess.

For those of you who may not remember, my husband and I moved back home to CA and bought a new house about 18 months ago. I thought that would be the ideal time to make a clean break … disconnect the phone and move without telling them. Well, my mother will NOT be ignored, so she apparently used one of those online spy sites to find my address. Despite my best efforts, last Christmas I still got my annual box of doom (socks and a nasty letter) even though they had no real confirmation that I was living in this house. They just took a chance and mailed it. After that, several more nasty letters came in the mail, each one containing a “gift” check (bait .... if I cashed one, it would be proof that they had the right address, so I tore them all up). Finally I started refusing the letters, telling the mail carrier that someone had a case of mistaken identity and was sending mail for someone else with my name. It worked. We went about six months without receiving any letters. My husband told me I could now breathe a sigh of relief because we had thrown them off the scent, and there would be no box of doom arriving this Christmas.

Unfortunately, I knew better than to believe that. My mother LIVES for her Christmas torment. I knew that she would spare no expense and stop at nothing to find me. Since we’re now back home and only a few hours away from them, I had a strong feeling that she would have my father scope out the house in the hope of seeing some proof that we were, in fact, living here. (She doesn’t drive so sends him to do the dirty work.) I’ve been keeping the blinds closed and laying low, just knowing that Christmas was coming and that she would be determined.

Sure enough, it happened this morning. My husband put the garage door up to go to the store, but ran back inside briefly to grab a jacket. He wasn’t inside more than five minutes. When he went back out to the garage, the box of doom was sitting on the hood of my car. It was CREEPY. Co-father apparently saw the open garage door, recognized my car, and had the proof he needed. He’s probably been driving by for weeks on her orders to deliver that box at all costs.

I took the damned box and threw it in the cellar area under the house. It was so light,it probably contains the usual …. a few pairs of socks and a nasty letter guilting me about how she has only a month to live (she’s now in her fourth year of terminal cancer and one month to live).

Sorry for the rant, but I feel SO violated. They did not deliver a Christmas gift, they delivered a message. I feel like the godfather finding the horse’s head in the bed.

It will never stop. I wish like heck that this “terminal cancer” was real. Death is the only thing that will end this. She is EVIL.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 09:18:05 PM by JustKathy »


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, 12:41:54 AM »
Hi JustKathy....

Oh how I envy you... just in the sense that you are married and able to be NC.  I'm by myself and can't be NC right now b/c of some unresolved financial issues. Anyway, on to your problem.

At this point, I think you have established for a long enough period of time that you no longer wish to be contacted. You moved, you changed numbers, you did not accept mail/returned mail, you have no relationship, all of that.  Even though they are family, you are being stalked. Time for you to notify the police, and get a restraining order.  They wont stop until they realize a third party is involved.

So sorry you have to go through this..


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2012, 01:00:35 AM »

The stalking is creepy.  Is she delusional?  I'm thinking along the same lines as Ales2 - a restraining order might be in order.

If co-father is driving by to see the garage door up, he's probably driving still.  What if you just put the box by the curb for garbage pickup.  Maybe he would see it.

It's a sorryl state of affairs for you to contend with.  So sorry, Kathy.



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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2012, 06:12:56 AM »

I think it's time to get the police involved and get a restraining order.  Enough is ENOUGH!

When is the next trash pick up?  I would put the box by a curbside, AWAY from your house......maybe in front of a neighbor's house, with their garbage.  The NB*TCH and her NMinion need to get the message that the stalking STOPS or the next time is JAIL for BOTH of them!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2012, 02:35:02 PM »

The threat of a restraining order stopped the bulk of the hassle with my lot - not all of it, but quite a bit.  It's something to check out.  If not ......................... I think ignore is the only option.  Keep binning stuff, don't look at it, read it or even keep it in the house.  I used to take stuff with my on the way to town and dump it in a public bin so it wasn't even in my rubbish bin.  It's so hard, especially this time of year.  Hope that there is something legal that you can do about it.


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2012, 02:48:46 PM »
Just thought of something.....don't know if it will help.......

In this day and age, if a strange package turns up and it was NOT expected, report it to the police as a SUSPICIOUS package and let them treat it as something from a terrorist!  (Which is what the NBITCH really is!)  Or place it elsewhere and let someone else report it as a suspicious package to Homeland Security!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2012, 06:43:56 PM »
Thanks guys. I’ve pondered the restraining order, but I keep resisting because it would give NM the ultimate gift. It’s want she wants, for me to engage her and fight back. She would die happy if she could send a copy of a restraining order to every member of my family along with a tear stained letter about her daughter doing this cruel deed to her while she is dying of cancer.

The other thing I'm wondering about is who really dropped this box off. It most likely was my co-Father, who does whatever he is told, even though he is too old to drive anymore. But at 82, could he have done this with such amazing speed and stealth? My dog can hear a pin drop six blocks away, yet never barked while someone pulled up to my house and trespassed into our garage (which is attached and shares a wall with the kitchen). I also find it odd that he was mere feet from our front door, and didn’t try to visit us. That’s not like him at all, unless he knew he would get a poor reception so took the coward’s way out. So much doesn’t make sense here. I know for certain that NM orchestrated it, but am really wondering who did the deed. She could have easily talked my N-schizophrenic SIL into doing it for her. If the SIL did take part in this, then it takes it to a new level of scary, since she has very serious mental health issues and has threatened me in the past. I actually had the same thought that Bones had. Is it even safe to open the thing.

I do think I’ll put the box out with the trash. I know there’s nothing in there of value, probably not anything even worth donating. Putting it out with the trash is the same as donating, anyway, as we have homeless people who drive by on garbage day and take recyclables and other items of value to them. If this house is being watched, then they can watch their “gift” go to someone who actually wants it.

Thanks so much, everyone, for your input. It really helps to be able to vent to people who “get” what this is like.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:47:35 PM by JustKathy »


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2012, 06:45:58 PM »
Oh, Twoapenny, did you just threaten your NM with a restraining order, or actually go through with it? I wonder if just threatening them with one would be enough.


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2012, 12:59:27 AM »
Oh, Twoapenny, did you just threaten your NM with a restraining order, or actually go through with it? I wonder if just threatening them with one would be enough.

Hi Kathy,

I just threatened, on the advice of a solicitor.  I worded it the way he suggested, bluffed it a little if I'm honest as I hadn't kept all the crap she kept sending so I couldn't have proved it - but she didn't know that and it did stop the majority of stuff coming through.

I do understand what you mean about not wanting to engage with her at all, that makes a lot of sense.  Once I'd decided to ignore, I'd just pick things up as they came through the post and the next time I went out I'd drop them in a public bin.  I just wanted her out of my life, in every possible way.  That helped - knowing I'd done something that would have driven her nuts gave me a lot of satisfaction and gave me control back.  So I think anything you want to get out of your life, just dump. 



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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2012, 06:00:46 AM »
Thanks guys. I’ve pondered the restraining order, but I keep resisting because it would give NM the ultimate gift. It’s want she wants, for me to engage her and fight back. She would die happy if she could send a copy of a restraining order to every member of my family along with a tear stained letter about her daughter doing this cruel deed to her while she is dying of cancer.

The other thing I'm wondering about is who really dropped this box off. It most likely was my co-Father, who does whatever he is told, even though he is too old to drive anymore. But at 82, could he have done this with such amazing speed and stealth? My dog can hear a pin drop six blocks away, yet never barked while someone pulled up to my house and trespassed into our garage (which is attached and shares a wall with the kitchen). I also find it odd that he was mere feet from our front door, and didn’t try to visit us. That’s not like him at all, unless he knew he would get a poor reception so took the coward’s way out. So much doesn’t make sense here. I know for certain that NM orchestrated it, but am really wondering who did the deed. She could have easily talked my N-schizophrenic SIL into doing it for her. If the SIL did take part in this, then it takes it to a new level of scary, since she has very serious mental health issues and has threatened me in the past. I actually had the same thought that Bones had. Is it even safe to open the thing.

I do think I’ll put the box out with the trash. I know there’s nothing in there of value, probably not anything even worth donating. Putting it out with the trash is the same as donating, anyway, as we have homeless people who drive by on garbage day and take recyclables and other items of value to them. If this house is being watched, then they can watch their “gift” go to someone who actually wants it.

Thanks so much, everyone, for your input. It really helps to be able to vent to people who “get” what this is like.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2012, 11:27:34 AM »
Thanks Bones. <3

Tup, I really appreciate your input. A warning is a good idea, though in all honesty, even if I got an actual restraining order, they'd ignore it. My co-F lives in his own little fantasy world and wouldn't take it seriously. If it came from his daughter, it would be perceived as silly or cute.

Yesterday I received a Christmas card from Co-F, so now that I've been discovered, it looks like the cards will start coming again. I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should start returning them again, or just drop them in the recycle bin. Ignoring them would probably get to NM the most.  

Right now I think my biggest concern is whether or not NM is using my crazy SIL to do her bidding, since co-F is getting on in years. SIL truly is dangerous, so I have reason to be concerned for my safety if she has my address. Unfortunately, I think some added security may be necessary. Our house is very old and in need of remodeling, so I think I'll add a security gate, better door locks and so on. At the very least, a gate will keep them from ringing the doorbell. Sadly, I'm afraid that I'll always be watching my back whenever I go out to walk the dog or do yard work. I know they're watching.  :(
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 11:29:05 AM by JustKathy »


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2012, 01:59:31 PM »
Thanks Bones. <3

Tup, I really appreciate your input. A warning is a good idea, though in all honesty, even if I got an actual restraining order, they'd ignore it. My co-F lives in his own little fantasy world and wouldn't take it seriously. If it came from his daughter, it would be perceived as silly or cute.

Yesterday I received a Christmas card from Co-F, so now that I've been discovered, it looks like the cards will start coming again. I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should start returning them again, or just drop them in the recycle bin. Ignoring them would probably get to NM the most.  

Right now I think my biggest concern is whether or not NM is using my crazy SIL to do her bidding, since co-F is getting on in years. SIL truly is dangerous, so I have reason to be concerned for my safety if she has my address. Unfortunately, I think some added security may be necessary. Our house is very old and in need of remodeling, so I think I'll add a security gate, better door locks and so on. At the very least, a gate will keep them from ringing the doorbell. Sadly, I'm afraid that I'll always be watching my back whenever I go out to walk the dog or do yard work. I know they're watching.  :(

Kathy, what an awful situation.  I'm wondering if it's worth getting everything written down, as many concrete examples as possible, including SIL if she is the one you are most worried about, and having a word with the police?  I know the laws aren't exactly the same in different countries, but when my sister was having a lot of problems with her ex husband the police went round and had a word - nothing formal or heavy, no statements were made, they just popped round and advised him to keep away and told him that if she had cause to report him again they'd take the fact that he'd ignored their warning into account and he'd be treated more harshly in court.  I'm just wondering if it's worth having a chat about it, just to see how the land lies and what they might be able to do (if anything).  I think the fact you're seriously considering extra security takes this to another level.

I think ignoring is definitely the best way to do - setting fire to things is quite therapeutic (safely, of course, don't want the house going up!).  I also still have the sense of constantly being watched, even in my own home!  I think it hangs over from being constantly scrutinised as a child and then all the stuff they've done as an adult - control, control, control.  I'm sorry this is going on for you.  ((((((((((((((((((((Kathy))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2012, 04:48:21 PM »
Thanks Tup.

Talking to the police is probably a good idea, though unfortunately they won’t do anything without concrete proof that a real threat exists. Just knowing that SIL has mental health issues won't be good enough. Any threats that I've received from her via email came years ago, so would be disregarded. As for my parents, they'd only see a frail old man and his “dying wife,” whose only crime was sending cards to their daughter.

What I really need to know right now is how that package got in my garage, if co-F did the delivered it, or if it was handed over to crazy SIL. I think I’ll call the police out on the package, and see if they can dust it for prints. If either my brother or SIL’s prints are on it, then I know I have a problem.

I do have an older neighbor who spends his days spying on everyone, so I’m going to talk to him and ask him to keep an eye out. He has a very clear view of our entire neighborhood and can see everything. I don’t think I’ll find anyone who would have witnessed the package drop-off because it was done so quickly, but if anyone is sitting in their car and watching our house, this guy will see it.

Damn, just when i thought I might finally have a peaceful Christmas. Looks like I won't have my first peaceful Christmas until they're both dead and buried.  :(


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2012, 06:46:24 AM »
Thanks Tup.

Talking to the police is probably a good idea, though unfortunately they won’t do anything without concrete proof that a real threat exists. Just knowing that SIL has mental health issues won't be good enough. Any threats that I've received from her via email came years ago, so would be disregarded. As for my parents, they'd only see a frail old man and his “dying wife,” whose only crime was sending cards to their daughter.

What I really need to know right now is how that package got in my garage, if co-F did the delivered it, or if it was handed over to crazy SIL. I think I’ll call the police out on the package, and see if they can dust it for prints. If either my brother or SIL’s prints are on it, then I know I have a problem.

I do have an older neighbor who spends his days spying on everyone, so I’m going to talk to him and ask him to keep an eye out. He has a very clear view of our entire neighborhood and can see everything. I don’t think I’ll find anyone who would have witnessed the package drop-off because it was done so quickly, but if anyone is sitting in their car and watching our house, this guy will see it.

Damn, just when i thought I might finally have a peaceful Christmas. Looks like I won't have my first peaceful Christmas until they're both dead and buried.  :(


In this day and age, police can no longer afford to assume someone is "harmless" especially NOW after the Newtown massacre.  If the SIL has NEVER been treated for her mental illness, it's not going to magically go away.  I would still tell the police about it and explain that after you received e-mail threats from her, you BLOCKED her in an attempt to keep you and your family SAFE!  Now that these BAT-SHIT CRAZIES have tracked down where you live, you have every reason to do everything in your power to STOP THE STALKING!  Talk to the police AND get a restraining order.  Don't assume the police will ignore it.  The SIL could be crazy enough to take pot-shots at THEM!  That scenario has been known to happen and police have died as a result!

Just saying.......

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Trying to stay NC, they won't stop stalking me!
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2012, 01:45:58 PM »
Thanks Bones. In the past, I have had the police dismiss unrelated events because I had no witnesses or concrete proof, but I think now, in the wake of recent events, they can't afford to dismiss a potentially life-threatening problem. I have no reason to believe that SIL has ever received treatment for her mental health problems. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and my brother is an exact clone of my Co-Father .... married an N, and defends the bad behavior as "oh well, you know how she is." His only way of dealing with it seems to be sending her away on trips to visit family, or on lengthy cruises to keep her out of the house when he has business.

There are two very disturbing things going on here that need to be reported.
1. I did not give anyone in my family my new address. They paid someone to obtain it for them.
2. Someone trespassed onto my property and dropped off a package without so much as a note.

It needs to be dealt with. My husband is becoming annoyed with all of this and keeps telling me that my father is just old and doing stupid things. I'd accept that if it were only him, but the possibility of SIL's involvement changes everything. We've seen how the mentally ill can simply snap without a moment's notices, and it's a chance I'm not willing to take.