I went with my instinct which was to leap to attention when my family tell me to.
Wow. This jumped off the page at me. First because it's rather subtle to "see" - and good on you for that. And secondly, I just went through this yesterday. My mom'll be having rather complicated surgery to remove several large kidney stones - she's 80 - next Friday. (And yes, I'm still sorting through all the stuff with my girls, too). So I was on the phone with Mom... when my brother called on the cell.
Long story short - the surgery conflicts with a track team trip and he's got to make a choice about which is more important to him. He wanted me to drive up - I'd have to do this alone; about 800 miles one way - just so he wouldn't have to make a decision.
I told him, I was sure he could pick which decision would make him feel the most comfortable... but that nope; I wasn't going to BE there.
And in some ways... I should've seen this happening in the situation with my girls, too. But my mom-reflex kicked in and yup! I just jumped into action before I thought it through. I took the bait to play out the old script.
I understand the anger you still might hold, Penny. There are just some "crimes against our souls" that just can't be wished away; like a lump of coal. Because I've stayed LC with my mom, even throughout my own healing process, my relationship with her has changed over time. Softened might be a good word. That wound I suffered is still there -- and it still dictates that I keep my distance, to do "right" by my own self -- but I've stopped expecting her to change; to do her part to heal my wound; and my inner little girl isn't demanding anymore that she do so. It's been a messy process -- and subject to the "broken record" that is my mother's personality mess... lots of the same old ground, over & over... her kind of implying I "fix" it for her... me knowing I can't - it'll never be good enough... and me just shrugging my shoulders and finally able to say: oh well. That doesn't make me a bad person - I can only do so much within the structure of the relationship that includes what SHE can do. I still cry over my MIL passing; I miss her. The other people - mom and MIL - are different people and the relationships were different sizes; there was a lot more room for feelings (for me) with MIL. No old wounds, maybe.
So, what "passes" for a relationship with my mom, even though it's a meager buffet and repetitive, is after all this time... the relationship; period. It is what it is. And within that - I make my own decisions about how I will act, I feel what I feel (and that's still a cluster; a ball of tangled yarn emotions), and it no longer occupies so much time or space in my life. I'm not afraid of future "regrets"... I trust myself, that I'm doing the right thing for me... and it matters a whole lot less to me, if anyone understands or likes my decisions. I explain it better than I used to. But no one can feel what I feel about - no one else lives with my particular lump of coal. The coal wears down; wears away over time. It's not the 16-ton weight it used to be.
I know that, as you process what you're feeling and think it through... you'll pick your right path with confidence. You're allowed to change your mind, too !! Up to a point, life does allow some do-overs...
You're still a very wise, warm, caring person as you've demonstrated to me over the years we've chatted back & forth. Thank you for your response on my thread. Big hugs!!!