Author Topic: limbo  (Read 2003 times)


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« on: November 23, 2004, 10:28:38 AM »
Hi.  It's me checking in.  I told you I would report periodically to let you know how I'm doing.  I'm not doing that hot.  I know from the past that it takes me a while to react to things, but this is ridiculous.  My NMother died in September, and I think I am keeping myself numb because I don't want to deal with my feelings.  I haven't cried (or laughed, for that matter) and I am just bumbling along, being vaguely depressed about everything in general.  I have  let the house go to hell.  I am living in rubble and I don't give a damn.  I come home, have two scotches, which makes me pleasantly non-thinking and mentally paralyzed, I watch tv without any interest for about an hour, and then I go to bed.  I have been having totally bizzarre dreams about dismembered bodies and ancient tombs of old relatives, or finding hundreds of toy airplanes buried in the back yard of my childhood home (I REALLY can't figure THAT one out at all). I know I am just running away from all my waking thoughts, and it isn't doing me any good.  The holidays are coming up and I couldn't care less.  I would just prefer to stay in this suspended state, holed up in my house.  I have no motivation to break out of this funk I am in.  Is this just a stage I am going through, or am I going to break out of my self made cocoon and emerge a gorgeous butterfly?


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« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2004, 11:41:21 AM »

This is mourning. If you can't function at all, and you'd like to, please see a doctor and get some medications to help you out a bit. I think what you're going through is normal.



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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 01:39:22 PM »
Be kind to yourself, tigerlily.  It is good to hear from you, no matter what.  I think you are grieving.  My NDad died in June, and I am still grappling with things.  I had terrible nightmares and woke up in the night with anxiety, fear, and all sorts of things - so my family MD gave me some amytryptoline (sp?) to help with the anxiety.  I only took a few, but they helped break free from whatever was causing that cycle.  I still have moments, bad nights, and I think that the biggest part was grieving for the fact that now that he has died, my hopes of ever having that wonderful family have died with him - I'll never again have just one more chance of trying to please him - even though I know that a million chances still would not have been enough.  I remember that you had a lovely service for your mother, so I hope you know that you should have no regrets, no guilt, and know that you did everything for her, beautifully and graciously.
It sounds to me, that you are going through the grieving process, and there doesn't seem to be a way to rush it, for it is such a personal process.  You are probably both physically and emotionally drained.  My NM was frustrated that I didn't get over NDad's death immediately, because she did (she is a N).  She kept saying "Snap Out Of It!", but I had to do it in my own time, in my own way, just as you will be doing it in your own time, in your own way.  I am still going through it, though each day is easier and lighter - and that is since June, so your grief is still fresh.
I have found this Board to be a lifesaver.  I still have a NMom/Queen, so someday I will be walking down your path.  Since I am their only child, and I think you are one as well, it will be a solitary but important journey.  Thank you for continuing to share what is happening in your grieving process, for it is a huge help for those of us who will be following in your footsteps.
And remember that we are here, you are not alone.
~ OnlyMe


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« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2004, 10:47:09 AM »
Thank you.


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« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2004, 10:50:08 AM »
That was me above.  I forgot to log in.

OnlyMe not logged in

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« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2004, 03:05:30 PM »
I'll keep an eye on this thread, if I can help in any way, okay?  It is hard enough to mourn the passing of a parent, as I have heard from others, but I think it is doubly hard to mourn the passing of a N parent, because we lose not only the person, but all the dreams and hopes of what could have been.
If I think of anything I am learning along the way, I'll pass it on to you.  One thing I know for sure is that there are bad days and good moments, and a roller-coaster ride from one to the other, but I can reassure you, from my experience, anyway, that gradually the pain and darkness fade.  In the meantime, be kind to yourself, you have been through a very difficult, life-changing time.  And try to remember that you are not alone, okay?  

(I didn't have the pep to log in, but wanted to check in on you.)

kelly as guest

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« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2004, 11:35:45 PM »
Tigerlily and others:  Boy doesn't your thread make me wonder.  I always thought when my nmom dies I would feel relieved.  Then I think that I probably would feel REALLY guilty for feeling that way when she dies.

I know I have always wanted her love and approval and I guess when your parent dies you still feel those feelings of being unloved and unappreciated forever....those disapproving voices in your head.

I'll pray for you that your grieving process will go better.  My hopes are that you will do better!!  Will also keep an eye on this thread!


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« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2004, 05:05:12 AM »
Thanks for checking in tigerlily.  I agree that you are going through a period of mourning.  However, please keep in check that is doesn't last too long and that you don't get caught in a rut.  However long it takes to mourn and get in touch with your feelings is long enough.  In my case, I got stuck for quite a while with mine....I stopped going out and meeting people and became very anti-social.  When I finally starting going out again, I felt like a feral creature - very vulnerable as I see with hindsight.  I guess what I am trying to say is that your not being in denial is a *good* thing but remember that there ought to be an end to the mourning so you can continue to give the world your beautiful gifts.  My prayers are with you.  Just a few suggestions: Take it easy, take it slow.  Take time to reflect and, maybe when you are ready, join a workshop in something that you are interested in.  

I haven't cried (or laughed, for that matter) and I am just bumbling along, being vaguely depressed about everything in general. I have let the house go to hell. I am living in rubble and I don't give a damn. I come home, have two scotches, which makes me pleasantly non-thinking and mentally paralyzed, I watch tv without any interest for about an hour, and then I go to bed. I have been having totally bizzarre dreams about dismembered bodies and ancient tombs of old relatives, or finding hundreds of toy airplanes buried in the back yard of my childhood home (I REALLY can't figure THAT one out at all). I know I am just running away from all my waking thoughts, and it isn't doing me any good. The holidays are coming up and I couldn't care less. I would just prefer to stay in this suspended state, holed up in my house. I have no motivation to break out of this funk I am in.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."