Thank you, Bones, and Hops

I'm finding I'm feeling quite low again now. That seems to be the pattern that's coming with this - feeling good, then it sinks in and all falls and settles a bit, then it levels off. The good thing is I've been coping with highs and lows for years so I know how to manage it and I know it will pass in time.
Re the item that I was selling; I ended up getting less money than I thought I was so I wasn't entirely happy about the situation and felt cheated. I thought about it a lot and decided to let it go; it wasn't worth the emotional input on my part, one person involved would get upset (and it isn't her fault either) and the third is an arsehole. It's a relatively small amount of money so although I felt very angry and put out I've decided to put it down to experience and not to involve third parties in future financial things!
I have noticed I tend to ask people to ask people for me; I realised I'm quite scared of calling people directly when I know someone who knows them. I really don't know why this is but it's something I'd never noticed before so I'm going to stop doing that.
I also think I need to work on my feelings of being ignored. My reactions to that are very, very strong so there is something there that I need to think about and deal with.
Hops, I'm relieved to hear that the emotions come up and eventually stop doing so. I do find it quite tiring, I can see why reverting back to the old behaviour is easier (and why I've done it so much). It feels a bit like moving house, you know when you have to explore a new area and find out where the shops are, where your nearest bank is, that sort of thing. It's a bit like that only with people and feelings rather than places. I hope you're both doing okay xx