Ahhh, the flip-you face.
Any resemblance to this?
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/fashion/im-not-mad-thats-just-my-resting-b-face.htmlNboss pressures us to smile and be perky.
We've all learned to force-beam at him when he appears at our desks to personally hand us our paychecks.
He does this every two weeks and intensely stares until he gets warm eye contact and expressions of gratitude.
He doesn't go away happy until he's gotten that "moment." It's soooooooooooo creepy and we've all figured it out.
I often wonder why it never occurs to him to say to an employee, Thank YOU. Before he goes home to his huge paid for house... But he is Nboss. Gratitude for US does not occur to him. It's a one-way Nsupply setup.
But I'm a cynic about work these days. Just accepting it's what I have to do that allows everything else.
My workmate has offered me a seriously helpful though ironic mantra:
Care less.It actually makes me
more productive because it helps me put what I'm worked up about into instant perspective.
This job is not where the meaning in my life comes from. It's only the economic stability that allows me to write on my own, talk with a friend in the evening on a phone, have shelter, and buy food. Listen to music. Buy underwear.
(If I were a teacher or paid activist or full-time writer, then the work itself would be very meaningful, but instead I'm just like millions of others...working only to support my freedom and survival the rest of the time. Ain't perfect but for me right now, better than the alternative of being entirely desperate.)
Coworkers should not ask coworkers to do their work (unless it's part of team routine, which I'm sure it's not....)
My sympathies, Boat. Hope the chestnuts were yummy.