Lucked out got 5 days consecutively off of work. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday, and I asked for about 8 random days off. They gave me monday. I found out at the last moment.
wish I had planned something, an escape out of the city, a strange hotel room or something. I'm here at "home". Having coffee and fudge and salami and watching movies
slept a lot or tried to despite my rooomates random tirades of FERK UP in a high pitched boy's voice (video games)

Its nice to have time off I just wish I was doing something special.
been thinking that I feel like I miss what it was like to be in school
I feel like im not learning anything, I miss being around other people in an education sort of endeavor
Watched the Vintage White Christmas but in technicolor
Watched Keith Richards Documentary
Now it's the Da Vinci Code, I read the book, I think I saw the movie when it first came out but it's been so long that I can rewatch it now
I had a very involved dream that I not exactly faked my death but I allowed someone to believe I was dead, I can't remember the details