Author Topic: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward  (Read 16129 times)


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2016, 07:31:22 PM »
Ah well, save your tat money for your move....celebrate with one LATER.

I totally understand not finishing stuff to insulate yourself from criticism of how you did a job.

Sure, some bored biddies who lack perspective gossip all day and pick at people. But the critic you REALLY have to do battle with is the internal voice that is so relentless with you. Started with your mother and then you internalized it. So probably your focus should get off others (which you've already made clear you're working on) and on giving yourself loud NEW inner tapes to listen to.

Self love.
Genuine self compassion.
Self nurturing.
Self respect.
Self delight.
Self appreciation.

NONE of those things are "selfish." They're what we know how to do as kids...delight in the pleasures and possibilities of OUR OWN EXISTENCE.

And we need this all our lives.

And deserve a new kind of voice to listen to. Probably it will take time and very very intentional self-hypnosis about it. But that works!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2016, 06:07:17 AM »
Ah well, save your tat money for your move....celebrate with one LATER.

I totally understand not finishing stuff to insulate yourself from criticism of how you did a job.

Sure, some bored biddies who lack perspective gossip all day and pick at people. But the critic you REALLY have to do battle with is the internal voice that is so relentless with you. Started with your mother and then you internalized it. So probably your focus should get off others (which you've already made clear you're working on) and on giving yourself loud NEW inner tapes to listen to.

Self love.
Genuine self compassion.
Self nurturing.
Self respect.
Self delight.
Self appreciation.

NONE of those things are "selfish." They're what we know how to do as kids...delight in the pleasures and possibilities of OUR OWN EXISTENCE.

And we need this all our lives.

And deserve a new kind of voice to listen to. Probably it will take time and very very intentional self-hypnosis about it. But that works!


Yes, spot on, Hops, and I know I've tried to do this sort of thing before but I've obviously not really got it ground in there properly.  I think being busy is sometimes part of the problem; not enough time to notice or think about the internal dialogue, to busy rushing around to ponder (and maybe that's deliberate, to stop the thinking and therefore protect from the feelings that come up with the thinking).  I know there is a part of me that is aware of the rages my mother has gone into whenever I've tried to separate myself from her in the past and the terrible things she's done to 'get her own back' at me and I am wondering if some tiny part of me is scared of what might happen if I get her out of my head and finally separate once and for all?  It's one of those things that isn't logical - how would she even know, for one thing and realistically she's done pretty much everything she can, there aren't really any more tricks for her to use but I have been wondering if it's one of those sort of subconscious things that you can't quite explain?  I don't know but I'm feeling that I need to work on making myself feel safe internally - usually I do it externally by avoiding people and situations but I think perhaps I need to start digging a little bit deeper and creating a safe space for the little me that was always so scared to come out.  I am feeling some success already - it's 11 am, I'm still in my PJs, my son's playing on the computer game he got for Christmas and I'm making myself take the day slowly and not be fretting that he isn't constantly reciting poetry and that I haven't completed a whole list of jobs yet today.  I don't think we're going to venture out because the weather's so bad so I might get on with painting the downstairs toilet this afternoon and concentrate on just getting the paint on the walls instead of trying to do it better than a pro would.

How are you after your big trip away?  Hope you got home okay and that things are settling into place? xx


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2016, 01:09:13 PM »
Hi Tupp:

I'm supposed to be EFT tapping every day, several  times a day, and repeating unconditional self acceptance mantras as I go.  I can do this in the car, and sometimes change up what I say out of boredom.

I'm working on finishing up the number of projects I begin and have trouble finishing.... so many.  Sometimes I'll see one, and think.... Why didn't I FINISH that?"  It seemed so obvious and took so little time..... wasn't something I would have minded doing.  Like blowing the leaves from my property next to my elderly neighbor's house.  She did it before I started blowing, so to be fair.... it was just done, and I didn't have to think about it.  Next year I'll be all over it where this year it didn't cross my mind.  At all. Seems odd, like a blind spot for me.

Some are creative projects I'd LOVE to get into.  I love to paint furniture, have the furniture to paint, space, and supplies.... but it FEELS like I should be doing other things, and sometimes I'm paralyzed by it.  It's something I'm working on very hard right now.  Listening to it.  Figuring out what it's about.... this resistance, and getting past it.

I'm wishing you, and everyone, a wonderful 2016.  May we all enjoy good health, growth, self awareness and our best possible selves. 

((((Tupp and son))))


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2016, 03:56:55 AM »
Hi Tupp:

I'm supposed to be EFT tapping every day, several  times a day, and repeating unconditional self acceptance mantras as I go.  I can do this in the car, and sometimes change up what I say out of boredom.

I'm working on finishing up the number of projects I begin and have trouble finishing.... so many.  Sometimes I'll see one, and think.... Why didn't I FINISH that?"  It seemed so obvious and took so little time..... wasn't something I would have minded doing.  Like blowing the leaves from my property next to my elderly neighbor's house.  She did it before I started blowing, so to be fair.... it was just done, and I didn't have to think about it.  Next year I'll be all over it where this year it didn't cross my mind.  At all. Seems odd, like a blind spot for me.

Some are creative projects I'd LOVE to get into.  I love to paint furniture, have the furniture to paint, space, and supplies.... but it FEELS like I should be doing other things, and sometimes I'm paralyzed by it.  It's something I'm working on very hard right now.  Listening to it.  Figuring out what it's about.... this resistance, and getting past it.

I'm wishing you, and everyone, a wonderful 2016.  May we all enjoy good health, growth, self awareness and our best possible selves. 

((((Tupp and son))))

And wishing all of that right back at you!  Yes, I'm exactly the same, so much gets almost done and then, as you say, just that final half hour doesn't seem to get completed and there's really no reason, other than, for me, being reluctant to finish and lay myself open to 'it's not good enough'.

This Christmas seems to have opened a tsunami of realisation of the fear I am still carrying in me.  I did nothing yesterday; other than cooking lunch I barely left the sofa.  I didn't feel anything particularly, good or bad, I just couldn't get it together enough to move.  I was thinking about it today; I know I would have felt really good about myself if I'd got on a got another job done (or finished one I'd started) and there was plenty of time yesterday to do a job and have a lazy afternoon or evening as well so I could have done both.  But I didn't.  And I think it's fear, and perhaps feeling like I don't deserve to be able to pat myself on the back and to do a job well and enjoy free time?

I did realise that never being 'heard' has had an impact.  My family used successes in my life to devalue the effect I felt being abused had on me.  My mother's argument that the sexual abuse wasn't abuse was that I'd had boyfriends, and dated, and had a baby, and if I'd been abused I wouldn't have been able to do any of those things.  She used the fact I went to University as evidence that the constant criticism throughout my childhood had actually been a good thing because it had made me work harder (!).  My son's disability has never been accepted as the acute condition that it is and has always been blamed on my parenting of him and my own neuroses and tendency for the melodramatic (other people's words, not mine!).  When I reported my step father to the police there was not only zero support from the family but they blamed my messed up life (their words, not mine) on my need to try and destroy other people's.  Ironically the problems we were encountering were all related to my mother's false allegations of abuse, many of which I still hadn't uncovered at that point.  So there's been this pattern of any success in my life - or enjoyment, for that matter - being derided, devalued or minimising other things that are tough (ie my son's disability can't be that bad if I can go out, for example).

So I really need to work on all of this.  I know I'm scared that if I move (when I move I ought to say) that my mum will make allegations again and we'll have all those problems.  But I'm starting to think I'm even more scared that we might actually move into a nice flat, in a nice area, and start spending time with good people who I know value me because they've kept in touch despite the fact we live hundreds of miles apart and can't spend a lot of time together.  I might even meet a man, and spend my days on the beach with my son, and life might actually become this wonderful gift instead of being an endless endurance test?  And it's odd because I desperately want an amazing life but at the same time I think I might be really scared of that happening?

On that note, I have realised I need to try and organise myself better.  My son's health makes it hard to plan because he's so up and down a lot of the time but I know it's another thing I avoid because if I wing it constantly then there's always room for 'oh, I just haven't got round to that yet' instead of just not doing or getting it done even if it's not done that well.  So first job of today is to plan our week out, and then I think I'll spend today getting organised in the hope that next week will be a week of small achievements instead of me lurching through it :)

I am feeling good things about 2016!  All the very best to you and your girls, Lighter, and to everybody else as well :) xx


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2016, 08:30:07 AM »
Well that was interesting and unexpected!  I've spent the morning planning the week; not something I usually do but I really want to focus my time more now on making things happen instead of running just to stand still which is what I usually seem to do.  I've done two plans, one for things we are doing and places we are going to and one for meals.  I'm trying to eat more healthily and perhaps more importantly snack more healthily as it's the snacking I fall down on.  I also want to eat regularly so I don't keep filling up on coffee to keep myself going.  I don't want to spend a fortune so I've tried to plan for a week's worth of food based around what's already in the cupboards and freezer, make my own snacks, build in a few treats and make it food that fits with what we're doing that day so I can do quick meals on busy days.  I also wanted to cook ahead a bit so have included some extras for the freezer.  It's taken a fair old while and while I was doing it I started to feel really angry and I'm not too sure why?!  It wasn't expected, I can't really see a reason for it but at one point I got so angry I just wanted to bin the whole thing and go and get a takeaway.  Took a little break, calmed down, I've finished it now and am going to go to buy the few bits we need for next week (don't need to get a lot in).  So I will keep any eye on this, I don't know why it made me feel so cross but perhaps as the day goes on it will become apparent :)


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2016, 11:58:49 PM »

I have same struggle with nutrition, meal planning, and shopping smart. 

Gluten/sugar/dairy free, and organic is really hard. 

There are so many aspects of food I THINK I should be doing better.

It's very hard.




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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2016, 01:45:59 AM »

I have same struggle with nutrition, meal planning, and shopping smart. 

Gluten/sugar/dairy free, and organic is really hard. 

There are so many aspects of food I THINK I should be doing better.

It's very hard.



That's interesting, Lighter, are your dietary needs because of allergies or is it a way of eating that suits you better?  I know I just feel better if I eat 'light', by that I mean lots of veggies, things like chickpea stews, lentil curries and so on, for some reason that seems to suit me better than the traditional meat and two veg.  But I fall down by getting caught out and grabbing something quickly, or just drinking more coffee instead of eating, which in turn has me reaching for biscuits and cakes and so it goes on.  That's the bit I really want to try and get on top of.  I did the planning, we went to the supermarket and it was a nightmare, really busy, pouring with rain, nowhere to park and then the roads were flooded coming home so it took three times longer than it should have done, plus I discovered our new campervan has a leak!  Looks like water is getting in through one of the windows in the roof so that's another job to add to the list.

But funnily enough my mood had really shifted; I don't know if that anger this morning was fear?  I'm powering ahead with the move; I've wanted to move for so long but I've been scared of my mum making allegations again and having to go through all those investigations again; particularly as my son is older now and would be aware of what was happening.  So I've kept creating more things I needed to do before I could go, thinking in my head that if I do x, y and z then bad things won't happen.  But the only reason bad things happened was because other people made them happen, by lying and deliberately setting out to cause me hard.  And I realised yesterday that there's nothing I can do to prevent that; I can't control the actions of other people and if the allegations start again I will just have to deal with them, like I did before.  And with that realisation an enormous weight shifted and I realised that we are actually going to be able to move quite soon now that I no longer have a list of things I must do before we go.  Did you ever have any more problems after your last court case? xx


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2016, 07:05:00 AM »
For some reason food makes me angry.  This is bizarre, something I haven't been aware of before and I don't understand where it's coming from.  Very odd.  I've spent the morning in the kitchen.  I put a meal for tonight in the slow cooker as we're going to be home late and got a quick lunch ready for us to have just before we leave.  I've made some nice treats, healthier than my usual choices although still naughty because I know if I say 'no treats' to myself I'll only last a day.  I've made big batches so some have gone in the freezer; we've probably got enough treats now for at least a fortnight and I've got some bread baking in the oven as well.  For some reason when I was doing all this I felt really angry?  No idea why, I quite enjoy cooking and backing and I definitely enjoy eating well.  I like the feeling of getting home to a meal in the slow cooker; I love the smell as you walk in the door.  The radio's on, I had a chat with a friend on the phone earlier so I've had a bit of contact time today as well, things should be feeling peachy.  No idea why food makes me cross!  Will ponder this some more :) x


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2016, 09:24:33 AM »
How were you fed or nourished or what were meals like when you were young?

Sorry the van's leaking. Blown away that you have realized you CAN move!

And very inspired by your stick-to-it-ivness, Tupp.

Thank you too for your tales of organization. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to take that in.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2016, 01:48:47 PM »
Hi Tupp:

Last court battle is still going on.  Not sure when that will end, but blissfully ignoring it over holiday.  Time to start back in, but HUGE resistance to diving back into legal documents.  I have to see if I have everything in the computer..... so many.  Hard to say, but soon will be neck deep in it.

About  the g/s/d free.  When I was going through custody trial I sought out highly recommended nutritionist who saw entire family on emergency basis.   Also oldest dd dx'd with whole body inflammation.... like she had a big infection.  Her fasting insulin levels were through the roof while her sugar levels were normal.   Last year she was dx'd with lyme disease, so now we know what the infection was.  

Nutritionist prescribed supplements, and forbid all g/s/d.... not even a bite of fruit.  "Sugar feeds everything bad in the body".  We were eating between 14 and 16g (NOT OZ) of protein 3 times a day.  That's a lot of food, more than we were used to eating, and we could eat all the veggies we wanted, but gf carbs allowed once a week ONLY.  

Really tough, but the inflammation in oldest dd started falling off like magic.... I could see it clearly in her face. People were commenting.  My mind cleared, and unintentional consequence of losing 20 lbs had me back in old favorite clothes..... eating plan made a big difference for us, but hard hard hard to break dairy habit for oldest child.  

Interesting that eating plan didn't make much difference, if any, for youngest child.  She doesn't seem to have the sensitivities that oldest dd and I have, but she knows eating healthier is better for her.  

Last year oldest dd was dx'd with lyme disease,and elevated heavy metal panel, which explained the whole body infection/inflammation results we couldn't explain.

I can't say enough about original nutritionist and eating plan.  Our new doc is more about eating all organic, which isn't really working for us.

Can't wait to read you're moving away from your mother, and all the troublesome memories in that neighborhood.  Maybe you can go without making forwarding address easy to find?  

Sorry camper is leaking, Tupp.  

Be brave.  


« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 06:42:17 PM by lighter »


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2016, 02:33:12 PM »
How were you fed or nourished or what were meals like when you were young?

Sorry the van's leaking. Blown away that you have realized you CAN move!

And very inspired by your stick-to-it-ivness, Tupp.

Thank you too for your tales of organization. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to take that in.


Love that new word, 'stick-to-it-iyness', Hops, will be borrowing that one :)  Leaks are not too bad, it's just a shame it's raining non-stop!

Hadn't thought about meal times from childhood.  Maybe that is something to do with it?  They were horrible.  We usually microwaved ourselves something and ate in our bedrooms in order to avoid step-father.  If we all ate together it was silence at the table.  I was talking too much for his liking one day and he kicked me so hard under the table that I was limping afterwards.  Arse hole.  My mum would, and still does, spend days preparing for dinner parties and she's an incredible cook but she always felt decent food was wasted on children.  How funny, I'd forgotten about that.  He'd inspect the kitchen after we'd done the dishes, it was like being in the army.  He'd always find something wrong with it.  Perhaps that is stirring it all up.

Will get on with the van when the rain stops!


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2016, 02:45:18 PM »
Hi Tupp:

Last court battle is still going on.  Not sure when that will end, but blissfully ignoring it over holiday.  Time to start back in, but HUGE resistance to diving back into legal documents.  I have to see if I have everything in the computer..... so many.  Hard to say, but soon will be neck deep in it.

About  the g/s/d free.  When I was going through custody trial I sought out highly recommended nutritionist who saw entire family on emergency basis.   Also oldest dd dx'd with whole body inflammation.... like she had a big infection.  Her fasting insulin levels were through the roof while her sugar levels were normal.   Last year she was dx'd with lyme disease, so now we know what the infection was. 

Nutritionist prescribed supplements, and forbid all g/s/d.... not even a bite of fruit.  "Sugar feeds everything bad in the body".  We were eating between 14 and 16oz of protein 3 times a day.  That's a lot of food, more than we were used to eating, and we could eat all the veggies we wanted, but gf carbs allowed once a week ONLY. 

Really tough, but the inflammation in oldest dd started falling off like magic.... I could see it clearly in her face. People were commenting.  My mind cleared, and unintentional consequence of losing 20 lbs had me back in old favorite clothes..... eating plan made a big difference for us, but hard hard hard to break dairy habit for oldest child. 

Interesting that eating plan didn't make much difference, if any, for youngest child.  She doesn't seem to have the sensitivities that oldest dd and I have, but she knows eating healthier is better for her. 

Last year oldest dd was dx'd with lyme disease,and elevated heavy metal panel, which explained the whole body infection/inflammation results we couldn't explain.

I can't say enough about original nutritionist and eating plan.  Our new doc is more about eating all organic, which isn't really working for us.

Can't wait to read you're moving away from your mother, and all the troublesome memories in that neighborhood.  Maybe you can go without making forwarding address easy to find? 

Sorry camper is leaking, Tupp. 

Be brave. 


I hadn't realised there was still a case going on I thought they'd all stopped.  Sorry.  I know what you mean about the paperwork, I've boxes and boxes to go through and the thought of having to read that crap isn't appealing.

Amazing that diets can have such an effect and isn't it funny when you have a number of children and one of them doesn't have the same problem?  So much that doesn't seem obvious but has such a big impact.  And not easy to find out about, conventional healthcare seems to miss a lot of those sort of things.

Am not planning on telling anyone around here that we're going.  Aiming to just leave, change mobile number, I'm not really on any social media sites or anything like that so that's not a problem.  Will have mail redirected so that utility companies and so on don't have new address.  And planning on just going for six months initially and looking for a different place in that time; aim is to just get away from here and get back to the area I've got some friends in (long distance from here).  Excited about the possibility of just having some fun and not constantly being on the alert all the time :) x


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2016, 07:04:57 PM »
Hi Tupp:

I meant to write 14 to 16grams of protein, not oz.  Good grief.... that would be nuts.

Yes, oldest shares some of her father's and paternal gf's dna in regard to metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance. She's also been dx'd with leaky gut, low stomach acid (which made it impossible to digest all that protein,) and asthma, which her father had.

She needed 3 sets of braces, bc her roots didn't dissolve, and her teeth came in behind baby teeth.... also needs vision correction.  Little sister hasn't needed either to this point.... very different children. 

When you move, maybe you could request e-bills? 

I'm looking forward reading about your upcoming moving adventure!

Go Tupp; )




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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2016, 04:04:09 AM »
Hi Tupp:

I meant to write 14 to 16grams of protein, not oz.  Good grief.... that would be nuts.

Yes, oldest shares some of her father's and paternal gf's dna in regard to metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance. She's also been dx'd with leaky gut, low stomach acid (which made it impossible to digest all that protein,) and asthma, which her father had.

She needed 3 sets of braces, bc her roots didn't dissolve, and her teeth came in behind baby teeth.... also needs vision correction.  Little sister hasn't needed either to this point.... very different children. 

When you move, maybe you could request e-bills? 

I'm looking forward reading about your upcoming moving adventure!

Go Tupp; )



Lol, my undertstanding of metric versus imperial is very limited so I hadn't even noticed that :)  Your poor D, it's very hard, I think, for a child who has lots of different problems, although I expect they link together in some way and influence each other.  But the endless appointments and research and trying to figure out what is making them unwell is exhausting, I think.  I'm glad the diet is making a difference, although it is a lot of extra work and I know situations with my son sometimes I just yearn to be able to just do something without having to think or plan or organise it first.  I've tried it a few times and it's always a disaster so I know not to now.

Yes, most of my life is organised online these days which makes everything so much easier.  We'll just use mobile broadband as well so no need for contracts or a landline; fewer ways to be tracked down and I am looking forward to that feeling of being free again, it's been a really long time and in my head I already feel like we've moved?  It's funny, but something has definitely shifted and it just feels like it's happening now, I can't really explain it.  I keep feeling a bit weird and wondering what it is and then realising it's excitement!  It's been such a long time since I felt it that I don't recognise it straight away :) xx


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Re: Learning, Growing, Changing, Moving on, Moving Forward
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2016, 04:14:39 AM »
How were you fed or nourished or what were meals like when you were young?

Sorry the van's leaking. Blown away that you have realized you CAN move!

And very inspired by your stick-to-it-ivness, Tupp.

Thank you too for your tales of organization. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to take that in.


Hops, I think you might have cracked the food thing!  I thought about it a lot last night, felt very tired, got a bit tearful.  I'd forgotten what a horrible time meal times where when I was little.  Something else came to me and I realised this might be significant, but it was a big family meal after I'd 'come out' about my step-dad and revealed all.  I'd got very depressed afterwards and couldn't look after my son terribly well (he was very young at the time; I have realised since then that me doing a not brilliant job is still a lot better than a lot of other people's best efforts but the old perfection streak was in play and because I wasn't well enough to be Mary Poppins I thought I couldn't manage).  My mum and sister helped out - without them it would have been foster care - but one of the conditions was that I 'take back' what I said about my step-dad.  I had to apologise to him - I can't believe I'm writing this, or that I did it, but my mind was such a mess and I was so tired that my mum did manage to convince me that I'd imagined it all for a while.  I suppose in a way if you speak out and the reaction is very negative it is easier to say you were wrong instead of facing your entire family turning on you.  Anyway, there was a family meal, after I'd spoken out and recanted, me, my three sisters, their partners, an assortment of grandchildren and my parents, obviously.  It was time to leave; my step-dad was taking the dogs out for a walk and I was going to be leaving before he came back so we said our goodbyes and he kissed me, full on the lips, in front of everyone.  Not a friendly kiss, or a father/daughter kiss, but the way I kiss boyfriends - anyone else I kiss on the cheek (and it's usually the air, isn't it, not even the cheek).  No one said a word; I looked around for validation and they were all looking down at their plates and he looked at me then and I just knew that that was exactly why he'd done what he did - he knew no-one would stop him or challenge him and he knew no-one would back me up.  Fucker.  I never went to their house again after that, my mum and I fell out again quite soon afterwards and it was pretty much the beginning of the end as far as me and my mum were concerned.  But interestingly, that all happened around the meal table and it got me thinking that perhaps that is why I have always preferred to eat off my lap in front of the telly instead of sitting down for a meal.  Anyway - it seems to have shifted things again, so thank you for that!  I got up and prepped all the food for today, I've put dinner in the slow cooker, took some bits out of the freezer for tomorrow and I didn't get moody or shifty so perhaps it's all linked in together and you saying that has made it pop up and go away.  Our minds are funny things.  Thank you :) x