I'm wondering if my personality is too bland or unobtrusive? In the last week I've had a friend visit and leave the house in a mess because he didn't clear up after his child, another friend brought his dog and left the house in a mess and someone rang me yesterday and left a message on my answerphone saying that they were just ringing because they were out of the house and they had some time to fill. I just feel like I'm invisible sometimes, and unnoticed. If we get toys out at a friend's house I put them away again. If my pet made a mess I'd clean it up. I can't imagine telling someone I cared about that I was ringing them to fill up some time. Feels like a basic lack of respect? I just wouldn't do that to others.
Hi Tupp,
This is what I glean from your post: Perhaps you are suffering from "Nice Girl" syndrome? Do you feel you must
always be nice, even when others treat you
not so nice?
If "yes", I'd say try some assertiveness.
Example: The kids left a mess: So, speak to your son about cleaning up messes before his friend(s) leave. Also, when your son's friends come over, speak to them, in the beginning, about any mess they make, they must clean up before the friend(s) leave. So, 30 minutes before the friend's parent arrives, call a "clean up" time and help the kids clean up, even make it fun, like a game.
Re: the friend w/ the dog: Next time they call, tell them (in a very nice way) that you would prefer that they not bring their dog because the dog left a mess last time. That should open a discussion about the friend cleaning up their dog's mess.
Even better, next time a dog or a kid (or anyone) creates a mess for you, ask them right then & there to help you clean it up. Ask them nicely and after all, this is a reasonable request.
If they refuse, do not have them back in your home.
Re: the phone person, just tell them it's not a good time for you to speak, can you call them back?
Just my thoughts, toss out whatever doesn't work for you.