Thanks, Hops: )
BTW, dd15 today decided she needs
more support than her current school can provide, which IMO has been amazing.
She's asking for it, so.....
I'm researching the closest Wilderness Program, and did you know...
1. The kids are typically in program for 3 or so months? We're thinking dd will be there about 4 mo. The statistics show that kids who go through wilderness camp tend to do much better in the next phase, whatever that turns out to be, than counterparts who didn't attend.
2. The kiddos go into the great outdoors with backpacks, and water filtration systems bc they're going to be drawing water from a stream, and filtering it, presumably while sitting or standing next to the tents they'll be living in for 2 weeks at a time.

3. There's a new base camp where the kids can shower in between 2 week hikes.
4. The food is mostly beans and rice, or hummus and pita bread, that sort of thing. PB&J and envelopes of tuna, etc. I can't send g/s/d free foods. I can't send any foods.

5. I'm trying to figure out how to present dd with this same level of challenge and natural consequences without all the sweating with bugs. Any ideas? She needs to grow up, embrace personal responsibility, and receive proper guidance/therapy through the process, IMO.
She;s a really good kid.... no drugs, or boy craziness, or defiance.... loves gardening with me, and she plays piano and lets me sing while she gently hum/carries me through the high notes. Its more a very gentle and honest refusal to rise, and she's asking me to help her figure this out. Her grades are excellent, and school is pretty much a breeze....
it's motivation she lacks.
The T didn't identify depression, bc you think of that up front, right? Just a lack of will to rise, along with avoidant coping strategies. The goal is to relieve those strategies, and teach healthier ones. Build confidence, and self reliance..... personal responsibility.
::shaking head::
I wish there was some kitty cat role playing story time camp that offered the same challenges... but with ac, and more food options.
Honestly..... dd is a nerd with a very bright mind. I'm told she'd be mixed in with a "soft" group of kids her age dealing mostly with bonding issues, and some trauma, so no detoxing, ODD 17yo's in her group.
She's going to have to rise.... likely starting next week.